This isn't related to knives but since lennu mentioned getting in trouble at the airport. I was almost arrested for having plastic handcuffs in my backpack.
I want to know why you had plastic handcuffs in the frist place? Planning a little BDSM hmmmmmm?
does these counts?
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Dear god, wtf, I saw something like that in a BudK catalog (AKA the book of cheap poor quality insane shit that you have no use/need for)
Here is where I go for mine ClockWorkKiller. Video is shaky as hell, the dude blows right by the more interesting shit, and skips 2/3 of the store, like he doesn't even show all the badass swords and axes, the high end kitchen knives, or any of the old military knives, but it gives you a decent idea of what the store looks like. Maybe I'll have to go take a video myself, because really this place is much cooler than this video
I've got my eye on a sword cane for Christmas 
Wow, that place is huge
I usually buy mine, at the small local knife shop, but they don't have super large inventory, (they don't sell ANY CS, and seems to have a limited selection everything)
If the shop doesn't have it, I usually go onto, they have a incredible selection, and great service.