The last time i used drugs was 4-5 years ago.
I took Mdma/Ecstasy 3-4 times(snorted the powder or dissolved it in water), tried "speed" and poppers a couple of times, took a third or quarter of a Lsd"stamp" once, but i didn't feel anything, probably because it wasn't enough, smoked heroin 6-8 times i think, which is not as dangerous and addictive as injecting it, but it's still a hell of a drug, regardless of the way you assume it. I occasionally used cocaine, which was the drug i used the most after alcohol (if you consider alcohol a drug).
The craziest substance i took was ketamine, i did it only once and it was enough, i felt like i was falling from a building and i was just standing, like the floor below my feet was collapsing and i was falling down, a complete distortion of reality, i saw people with weird shaped faces, i had a strange feeling like my head was inside some sort of "transparent waterbed", tried to walk and felt like i was spinning and i was hearing voices of people who weren't there wiith me in that moment.
I knew a guy who was a big bastard, he didn't do any weightlifting in the gym, he worked in costruction-scaffolding and stuff like that, he was naturally big, probably genetics and his job helped a bit too, after 1 year (maybe more, don't remember) he kept using heroing he become a skinny bastard, he almost looked like another person.
Heroin fucks you up, obviously it's not the only drug that can ruin you, also cocaine (and almost any drug) can really mess you up, imo cocaine soon or later will ruin your nose,"burn" your nostrils/mucous membrane, not to mention the possible repiratory/heart problems that can occur in the long run.
Do not underestimate drugs.