Im going from the top left to the bottom right.
Black rock shooter figure. Stormtrooper helmet. First poster is from the Touhou-games and the third is from Zero no Tsukaima. SonGoku figure on theshelf with the manga and also a godzilla figure. (Starting with the figure shelf now) The cat-train thing from one of the ghibli movies, the yugioh guy, alphonse elric from FMA, Yoko Litner from tengen toppa guren lagan, a maid-outfit, Link, kakashi, hatsune miku, Rei from neon evangelian
Desk: Coppa figure (one piece) and i forgot who that box thing was :/
Below the desk there are a gamecube and his father =)
Pile of stuffed animals: sonic, mushroom thing from mario, something from digimon (maybe? ), dangos and the black cat could be from several things.
On the bottom righrlt there is a pikachu, LOCK-ON LOCK-ON =), and a goddamn pony.
The basketballshirt could be from kuruko no basuke.
26 in total, meh i should spend less time with that stuff =/
Sorry for the bad Format, im tsping on my phone.