Author Topic: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf  (Read 6216 times)

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Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:11:56 am »
Since the hotfix to the patch most people ar eback to heavier armor again who were using it before and using iit all the time.  Recently on the 80 man server roughly 80% of people were wearing 14 weight armor and heavier for several hours.  The new upkeep can support this.  Would apreciate a non-upkeep related fix where wearing heavy armor actually does give a meaningful run speed and wpf nerf.  Right now many of those heavier clad folks can easily keep pace with lightly armored opponents and there is no real drawback once you ahve all the equipment you want.  This has been exacerbated by the wpf soft cap as strength heavy armor builds can still have only slightly less wpf then non-heavily armored opponents because the weight nerf right now is extremely mild.  Balance requires a more significant speed nerf.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 08:18:40 am »
That would be a good idea. Even on the 120 NA server there was still a lot of tin cans around, too many for what the upkeep was suppose to do. Those guys have been playing around for a long time so they have a huge bank account so the upkeep is nothing for them.

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 08:30:34 am »
This has been exacerbated by the wpf soft cap as strength heavy armor builds can still have only slightly less wpf then non-heavily armored opponents because the weight nerf right now is extremely mild.

Anyone have a link to the relevant information about the new weight nerf to wpf? I know it now works in percentage, but that is all I've seen so far.

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 05:21:08 pm »
Bump  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 05:37:04 pm »
Plate should have been changed to 18 with black armour needing 19 or 20 strength from the beginning.

If you want max protection you CAN'T be super fast too.

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 05:38:43 pm »
I agree.

From an archer point of view, its taking me 5+ arrows to kill light/mid armored people...

If someone wants to run with even more protection than that, speed and wpp should be more penalized
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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 05:39:08 pm »
i always go for high athletics specifically so i can run faster in heavier armour

i will be at 21 agi at lvl 31, which i almost consider a waste because putting pts into weapon mastery for wpf is a waste past 150, but if i want to use the heaviest stuff and still be fast I need that 21 agi for 7 athletics

i dont know if wpf reduction from weight has changed with the patch but i definately could not play in black armour using my flamberge with anything less than 180 wpf

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 05:43:12 pm »
WPF penalty got changed to a % I heard but no real info apart of speculation.

chadz if your reading this could you explain how the wpf penalty on weight got changed?

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 05:52:37 pm »
To giv you a recent example post-patch.  My team is fighting a guy in heirloomed heraldic transitional armor who is taking out half our team,  I put 4 arrows with a warbow and bodkin arrows with 6 power draw and 150 wpf into him, which allows my team to hit him twice with swords.  He continues on to killing those swordsmen and chases after me.  I turn to shoot again after running for a while, but cant get a shot off because he is right on top of me still even though im wearing nomad robe and have 6 athletics.  This may be entering another whole discussion on the pierce to cutting damage only favoring tincans and plated charger riders, but essentially if youw ear heavy armor you become an unstoppable juggernaut far more so then pre-patch, with no real speed nerfs to slow you down so the wolves can harry the bear down.  And for people saying upkeep fixes this, with the new hotfix it really doesnt, you can wear that level armor 80-90% of the time and only need to grind naked 10%  of the time at worst.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2011, 05:53:25 pm »
Not that making sense has anything to do with gaming but ...

In the real world the true tradeoff to the heaviest armors (besides the fact that there were so expensive as to be mostly for ceremony) was that you had almost no manuverability in plate. Event splint/banded mails cut down on the ability to wield certain weapons. And if you've ever worn a suit of chain armor you know that it would be very unlikely for anyone to run any great distance in it ... let alone run a mile and then fight someone when they got there. =)

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2011, 08:35:44 pm »
Wounded players should run slower and swing slower, and this effect should be amplified by equipment weight (maybe mitigated a bit by ironflesh?), in addition to flat wpf and movement speed loss just for wearing too much armor. This would give us a handy way to tell how close another player is to death, and it'd stop tincans from being unstoppable juggernauts. All the little injuries would add up, and tincans wouldn't just be able to spin around like a top mashing attack and kill everyone because they swing twice as fast (that advantage would disappear quickly if they're reckless!)

So, players should have a choice between wearing light armor that lets them swing faster and have more endurance if they take a few hits (as long as those hits don't kill them), or heavy armor that slows them down and practically becomes a coffin if they start losing life. Heavies will still be able to put the hurt on people and take more hits, but they won't be able to rampage through a crowd taking 20 hits and keep on trucking just fine. Peasants would feel less useless too, since all those stones and pitchforks would add up!

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2011, 08:40:12 pm »
Since the hotfix to the patch most people ar eback to heavier armor again who were using it before and using iit all the time.  Recently on the 80 man server roughly 80% of people were wearing 14 weight armor and heavier for several hours.  The new upkeep can support this.  Would apreciate a non-upkeep related fix where wearing heavy armor actually does give a meaningful run speed and wpf nerf.  Right now many of those heavier clad folks can easily keep pace with lightly armored opponents and there is no real drawback once you ahve all the equipment you want.  This has been exacerbated by the wpf soft cap as strength heavy armor builds can still have only slightly less wpf then non-heavily armored opponents because the weight nerf right now is extremely mild.  Balance requires a more significant speed nerf.

This is full of wrong, read the other post where the math has been done by multiple people(including me) to calculate what equip you can sustain. It takes only 5 minutes or less to do the math, but instead you waste your and our time by making things up. You can sustain exactly 48500 worth of equipment, and that's not a heavy armor setup. If they use such heavy armors, they are losing gold and will stop once they run out.

P.S.: Try using a hammer vs plated guys, i did that pre patch and it was hilarious.

Offline Tai Feng

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2011, 08:56:59 pm »
You can sustain exactly 48500 worth of equipment, and that's not a heavy armor setup.

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2011, 09:27:07 pm »
This is full of wrong, read the other post where the math has been done by multiple people(including me) to calculate what equip you can sustain. It takes only 5 minutes or less to do the math, but instead you waste your and our time by making things up. You can sustain exactly 48500 worth of equipment, and that's not a heavy armor setup. If they use such heavy armors, they are losing gold and will stop once they run out.

P.S.: Try using a hammer vs plated guys, i did that pre patch and it was hilarious.

LOL, only 48,500.  You can have heraldic transitional armor (22 lbs) for 19419, cased greaves (3.7 lbs) for 4627, mail gauntlets (.5 lbs) for 3427, great helmet (2.9 lbs) for 6723, german greatsword (2.5 lbs) for 11686 for a grand total of 45682 so you are still increasing your gold collection.
Total weight: 31.6 lbs

Head Armor: 53
Body Armor: 59
Leg Armor: 53
(all this if unheirloomed)

Meanwhile you can run almost as fast and swing almost as fast as a guy in nomad robe (5.5 lbs), no helmet, no boots, mail gauntlets (.5 lbs) = 6 lbs.

Maybe you only define heavy armor as black armor, but youa re effectively immune to most cutting damage other then from high strength builds like you that have high enough powerstrike to make cutting damage effective and can take 6 times as many hits as the guy in a nomad robe thats an agility build who runs and swings only negligibly faster.  Carrying around an extra 26 lbs around should really have an impact.

Protection v. speed should be real tradeoffs rather than a choice between speed v. speed and protection and damaging power.  If you cant fight without taking a large number of hits then you really should pay the tradeoff for that protection, since the rest of us actually die with 1-2 hits.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 09:36:21 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Heavy armor needs a significant nerf to run speed and wpf
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2011, 10:12:59 pm »
LOL, only 48,500.  You can have heraldic transitional armor (22 lbs) for 19419, cased greaves (3.7 lbs) for 4627, mail gauntlets (.5 lbs) for 3427, great helmet (2.9 lbs) for 6723, german greatsword (2.5 lbs) for 11686 for a grand total of 45682 so you are still increasing your gold collection.
Total weight: 31.6 lbs

Head Armor: 53
Body Armor: 59
Leg Armor: 53
(all this if unheirloomed)

Meanwhile you can run almost as fast and swing almost as fast as a guy in nomad robe (5.5 lbs), no helmet, no boots, mail gauntlets (.5 lbs) = 6 lbs.

Maybe you only define heavy armor as black armor, but youa re effectively immune to most cutting damage other then from high strength builds like you that have high enough powerstrike to make cutting damage effective and can take 6 times as many hits as the guy in a nomad robe thats an agility build who runs and swings only negligibly faster.  Carrying around an extra 26 lbs around should really have an impact.

Protection v. speed should be real tradeoffs rather than a choice between speed v. speed and protection and damaging power.  If you cant fight without taking a large number of hits then you really should pay the tradeoff for that protection, since the rest of us actually die with 1-2 hits.

Agree, there should be a tradeoff from being virtually immune to arrows.