I cant believe this. Im not the biggest fan of panos.. but to tell you the truth there are way more guys deserving a permaban than panos. The server is full of team hitters, team killers and similar and nothing happens even when there is an admin. Saying that, this doesnt surprise me at all. I was once insulted and treated with a "BAN" from a developer for "delaying" ...Its funny since i wasnt even delaying. But some guys are like that .. they are "queens" of their kingdom, nothing we can do about it. In this case some lamer killed my horse in the side of the map and kept circling around me but avoiding contact... again, nothing I could make about it since he was on horseback, he actually was doing it with the intention of leaving me as a delayer.. then this developer surprised me with his "attitude".. was sad since he didnt really have idea about what really was going on, he just talked from his ass. Good luck panos.
Btw, What i dont get is how you ban he so easily but let everyone and their dog make jokes about "greece" and shit. I have seen then constantly in game chat in the last weeks i have been playing crpg again. I see half a dozen playing everyday and those deserve more a ban than him... yet i see them over and over.. makes you wonder.