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We got fucked by invaders alone, so often and so unfair - we are just hanging around in heides tower and waiting for invaders to come ... but we are kind of doing it fair ... we are also duelling in the bloodcovenant. Also, cause my friend is a sinner, there are also blue ppl coming :-)
Yep, that's the place.
Of course I didn't miss her. She's great, provides just what I need. 
BTW What does Ascetic has to do with phantom/shade summons?
Bonfire ascetic - when u burn them on a bonfire it will get into NG+ and everything in the area respawns ~ also, its not possible to summon phantoms (infnite amount of time) when the boss in your area is defeated (which would be ornstein and dragonslayer in heides tower) - so my friend used the ascetic and he can summon me as phantom.