Athletics is more important than Powerstrike for killstealing positioning, which often leads to much higher KDs, unless its a box/chokepoint/siege map
I wrecked people in Strat as a 27/15 2hander regardless of situations, but do waay better with my current 21/21 build on Battle or more open Strat maps since my positioning ability is so much better, easier to dart around the battlefield "supporting" little fights or flanking people (to killsteal).
I wouldn't do 18/24 or up though as a 2hander (I would as polearm) cuz I tend to absorb a lot of damage, or do stupid things like charge full speed into pikes (where Athletics speed bonus is a pain).
Those builds are ideal for long polearm users though.. they depend on positioning the most, and do nothing but stupidly high swing cut or massive poke pierce.
2handers is more optional since most weapons are mid-range cut damage, but anything under 6 athletics is pretty boring garbage.
1handers are SO much better with ~21 agility and blunt type weapons, its one of the most OP classes in cRPG right now. Sprint around spamming knockdown and nudge with 7-8 athletics and super high damage blunt maces or hammers. Its a wonder this doesn't catch on in NA more, but its because most people are bad