Author Topic: LOL this is brilliant... Pork laced bullet to send jihadist muslims to hell!  (Read 6283 times)

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Offline Overdriven

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I would like to point out that if they are ignorant of the pork covering, or it wasn't their choice then it doesn't matter a damn. It's only haram if you actively choose to consume it knowingly.

Mind you idiotic terrorists might not know that.

Offline Christo

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I would like to point out that if they are ignorant of the pork covering, or it wasn't their choice then it doesn't matter a damn. It's only haram if you actively choose to consume it knowingly.

Mind you idiotic terrorists might not know that.

Which makes this whole thing even more laughable.

Sorry, it does.
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this is moronic on so many levels -.- 
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Offline B3RS3RK

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okay, point proven, these bullets dont serve as prevention for terroristical attacks.

It´s still kind of evil genius borderline retardation  :lol:
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It's definitely a total joke... To me, it's a complete pun on the ridiculous beliefs of organized religions.
The fact that they went so far as to actually print these bullets makes the joke that much more funny.

I mean, I'm making the assumption that the majority of people involved in creating this bullet were either christian, agnostic, or atheist... none of which necessarily believe that people of islamic faith go to heaven or paradise regardless of pork infused ammo. That right there should pretty much be proof that it's a joke, even for the people pressing the ammo.

That said, I think its hilarious to the point where I want to buy a box of these bullets just to show other people and make them laugh, or maybe piss them off.  :mrgreen:

Don't get me wrong though, If a jihadist came to my door looking to cause trouble, I probably would load the pork ammo just for added effect, its worth a shot!  :mrgreen:

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Sure, say something bad about christianity and christians, and you are a cool atheist.
Say something bad about islam and the muslims, and you are a racist.
Makes total sense.

I`m an atheist myself, but Muslims, have proved me more than once, how fucking retarded they are with their actions, beheading people who believe in other religions, beating their women up, having multiple women just because the Qorani allows it, an eye for eye crap,  and I can go on and on and on...

Religions are shit, and they act as a setback to human race, I once read an article that it was saying, if the church wasn`t in command from 900 until 1600 AD (Age of Enlightenment) , human race would be a lot more evolved than it is now, but sadly, the pope and the priests back there, had a hard on, on burning people who had the audacity to say something different from the churches saying..
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Offline Wiltzu

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I can garantuee you no one believes this. Not even the most extreme.

Then why the fuck some of them create a fucking shitstorm if they're offered pork? Few of my rl muslim friends(yes I do have muslim friends..) have said that nowhere in koran it's said that you can't eat pork. Isn't it more like just a habit that some have taken too far. In a way it's not bad at all, as if you eat raw pork there's a chance you get this bacteria(?) which usually kills you. Also porks don't seem to be the most clean animals there are =D

Still IMO it's idiotic habit, at least in western countries where you won't (at least shouldn't) get this bacteria(?).

Pork4Life <3
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Offline The_Bloody_Nine

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Religions are shit, and they act as a setback to human race, I once read an article that it was saying, if the church wasn`t in command from 900 until 1600 AD (Age of Enlightenment) , human race would be a lot more evolved than it is now, but sadly, the pope and the priests back there, had a hard on, on burning people who had the audacity to say something different from the churches saying..

This is so wrong on so many levels. I don't have much time, but:

- human race without religion is not possible
- especially Judaism and Christianity led to the historical modern thinking we have now in most countries
- there are very strong arguments that Christianity itself helped a lot to separate god from this world or in nietzsches words "killed" him, see Max Webers Disenchantment or secularism in general
- there are also many thesis why this has not happened in the Islamic world or if it is going to happen

I am in no way interested in defending some religious institutions and I am not sure in what I believe myself. But I am very much convinced that knowing of religions in a historical focused way (can't say better) is very important to understand what is going on and people condemning religions in general don't have any knowledge about the matter and humanity in general. Also what Oberyn said in that other thread.

Wiltzu, that reminds me of how some vegans react when they are offered tofu touched with barbecue tongues contaminated with steak.

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Wiltzu, that reminds me of how some vegans react when they are offered tofu touched with barbecue tongues contaminated with steak.

Stuff like that offends me and I would never eat that meat then. Poor steak.  :cry:
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Offline okiN

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Few of my rl muslim friends(yes I do have muslim friends..) have said that nowhere in koran it's said that you can't eat pork.

Well, they're wrong about that, obviously. Do you really think people would care about it so much if that was the case? Some Muslims do eat pork, but that just means they're not following the Koran to the letter, just like most Christians no longer live by every word of the Bible.

Quote from: Wikipedia
    He hath forbidden you only carrion, and blood, and swineflesh, and that which has been immolated to (the name of) any other than God. But he who is driven by necessity, neither craving nor transgressing, it is no sin for him. Lo! God is Forgiving, Merciful.
    —[Quran 2:173]

Isn't it more like just a habit that some have taken too far. In a way it's not bad at all, as if you eat raw pork there's a chance you get this bacteria(?) which usually kills you. Also porks don't seem to be the most clean animals there are =D

Still IMO it's idiotic habit, at least in western countries where you won't (at least shouldn't) get this bacteria(?).

A lot of religious commandments in all the major religions can be considered outdated. I'd say the various food prohibitions are among the least important.

Offline Overdriven

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Religions are shit, and they act as a setback to human race, I once read an article that it was saying, if the church wasn`t in command from 900 until 1600 AD (Age of Enlightenment) , human race would be a lot more evolved than it is now, but sadly, the pope and the priests back there, had a hard on, on burning people who had the audacity to say something different from the churches saying..

A bit Eurocentric there? What about the millions who had no contact with the church?

Then why the fuck some of them create a fucking shitstorm if they're offered pork? Few of my rl muslim friends(yes I do have muslim friends..) have said that nowhere in koran it's said that you can't eat pork. Isn't it more like just a habit that some have taken too far. In a way it's not bad at all, as if you eat raw pork there's a chance you get this bacteria(?) which usually kills you. Also porks don't seem to be the most clean animals there are =D

It says quite specifically you can't eat swine. So this includes boar ect as well. It's in fact one of very few things it says you must absolutely not do. Even alcohol is more accepted. Many Muslims do drink but will still never ever eat pork. But yeah a lot of people believe it's because of the shit that pigs basically pick up. Similar to why you're not supposed to eat sword fish because it's riddled with parasites. Many chef's say that if you saw what came out of a sword fish you wouldn't go near it.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 11:52:03 am by Overdriven »

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- human race without religion is not possible

Why not?

- especially Judaism and Christianity led to the historical modern thinking we have now in most countries

There's a good reason for that. At that time, church was the only place where smart, hard working students could educate themselves (there were no books outside monasteries and rich folks libraries). Nowadays smart, hard working young people go to universities. Has nothing to do with religious teachings, it's all about people and their hard work.

- there are very strong arguments that Christianity itself helped a lot to separate god from this world or in nietzsches words "killed" him, see Max Webers Disenchantment or secularism in general

Science "killed" god.

- there are also many thesis why this has not happened in the Islamic world or if it is going to happen

It's happening, slowly but surely. Has nothing to do with islamic world, how you call it. It's the same in every less developed country, no matter the religion. In Serbia, at least 80% people firmly believe in God and this country is a shithole by everyone's standards. Less educated people = stronger belief in "god".

Offline BASNAK

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Then why the fuck some of them create a fucking shitstorm if they're offered pork? Few of my rl muslim friends(yes I do have muslim friends..) have said that nowhere in koran it's said that you can't eat pork. Isn't it more like just a habit that some have taken too far. In a way it's not bad at all, as if you eat raw pork there's a chance you get this bacteria(?) which usually kills you. Also porks don't seem to be the most clean animals there are =D

Still IMO it's idiotic habit, at least in western countries where you won't (at least shouldn't) get this bacteria(?).

Pork4Life <3

I've read and watched too many videos regarding islamic insurgency, since I used to think it was very interesting to read about, both documentaries and videos made by the insurgents themselves. Insurgents and terrorists would only use these kinds of bullets as propaganda for their cause.

In their videos and speeches the  main argument is that the west is declaring war against Islam and they must defend theirselves, and you pretty much just make them look more right by lacing pork on bullets since you specifically made the bullets to kill muslims. The only reason insurgency still lives on  in Afghanistan and Iraq is because the West barely know shit on how stuff works in the East, and don't know how to win the hearts and mind of the locals in these places. Take Iraq as an example. USA came there to remove Saddam Hussein which they did. There was no resistance from the people. Then people started feeling mistreated and bla bla bla, some time afterwards organized resistance movements grew to remove the foreign soldiers from their soil.

Why don't you see insurgency growing against the West in other places where the West came to aid, like in Kosovo or Bosnia? Because they couldn't win the hearts and minds of the locals in the East and which is why the war will never be won in Iraq or Afghanistan unless the locals them selves win it.

And your friends are completely wrong.

Quran; Chapter 6:145

Say: I find not in that which is revealed unto me aught prohibited to an eater that he eat thereof, except it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or swineflesh - for that verily is foul - or the abomination which was immolated to the name of other than Allah. But whoso is compelled (thereto), neither craving nor transgressing, (for him) lo! thy Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. (145)
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Offline Torben

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Insurgents and terrorists would only use these kinds of bullets as propaganda for their cause

first thing that came to my mind.  second being that it helps "demonise" islam in social groups of lesser education
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Tbf, islamic fanatics don't need any help in finding propaganda to demonize the evil godless satanic west. I see this more as cultural and political criticism, not unlike submerging a depiction of Jesus on a cross into a vat of warm piss. Or any of hundreds of other modern examples of popular media chastizing and ridiculing obviously backwards and outdated "traditions" perpetuated by christianity. The idea that it is an effective method to curb islamic terrorism in any way is of course ridiculous. It IS deeply insulting and offensive, though. That's the whole point. When everyone concerned can just look at actions like these and ignore them/brush them aside as juveline idiocy instead of blowing them all out of proportion the problem will be fixed (from "oh it's obviously just racists, no one could ever criticize or mock muslims for their many, fragmented, competing and often self-contradictory interpretations of a thousand+ year old religion legitimately" to the most extreme "death to all who insult the religion I happen to practice, because it's such an integral part of my tribal identity"). I don't see why islam is so afraid of being "demonized", i.e having to deal with the same amount of mockery and criticism everything else is in the "western world" is subjected to, PARTICULARLY religion as a whole.
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