Did he just call high agi katana characters noob tubers? Are you mad? A high agi katana char dies in one hit and has to hit everyone 3-10 times with a pretty high chance to glance. That is not a noob tube character. The noob tube character is the 36/3 str build with a great maul, or maybe a great lance cav... something with the ability to one shot just about anyone if you catch them off guard.
anyways. I play agi shielder so clearly I have picked the class that takes the most skill while offering the least power. Go me.
I am more talking about tactics than build and weapon choices. Yesterday night, I faced this guy on battle (I will not name him bc it doesn't matter), who basically one-shot me two rounds in a row before I could react (I played xbow/1h/buckler, wearing tribal armor). The round after that he tried again and I was prepared enough to block his back-and-fourth katana "snake strikes" and deal with him. So even though this is just an anecdote and ofc no proof for something being OP (if anything it is proof that I wasn't aware enough), but it gives us an idea how tactics can be found that are easy enough to learn and extremely hard to cope with head on, if your reactions aren't like that of a machine. I'm all for variety in a game though, coping is more than winning a duel.
What I'm asking in this case, is what fun is it for people to kill people with a few spammed hits if they can't even react? I don't see the challenge.
I can see the challenge in survival though. I give you that.
I want to add: I don't "call" anybody a noob-tuber, but if you want to be seen as that and you find it insulting, well, sorry, wasn't my intention.
Anyway, this game allows this kind of tactics, so obviously some people will do it. I wouldn't expect you to throw away your katana. But you won't find me crying out over speed and/or damage nerfs (for most weapons, if you ask me).
I have to disagree with that video on the need for easily executed, moderately effective strategies for new players. If a player isn't willing to lose to more experienced players while learning a new game, then that player probably shouldn't be playing competitive games - there are a number of fantastic cooperative games out there (although fewer than I would like).
aye. But I would argue that the learning of strategies is not linear. Or in other words, things can be hard when you suck at it, but they can get easier to learn, when you have something else to do until you mastered it. Like when your low-level character uses stones until it can hold a sword. Or with actual gamer skill: using 1h for a while and learning blocking will improve your survivability when going ranged.
And also, isn't playing for your team to win also highly cooperative?
I like the cooperative aspect of this game more than I like the kill hunt, personally, but you can't get cooperative without the competition against the other team (you have to have a common task to be cooperative for). So I guess that people who like this game for killing other peoples game avatars, will not really enjoy it to the fullest when they only kill people and forget the meta-game. If this makes sense.