Author Topic: Torch 2h mode  (Read 2267 times)

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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2013, 11:13:56 pm »
You're asking me to explain why a sword is better at killing enemies and doing damage to enemies than a wooden stick? 

I get that they're still "contributing", just not nearly as much as they could be. 
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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2013, 11:17:59 pm »
I was asking why they are different in the sense of the rules.

I get that they're still "contributing", just not nearly as much as they could be.

This was all I wanted.  It's like people who complain about ranged.  Just because you don't do it doesn't mean it should be "Fixed"

Offline CrazyCracka420

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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2013, 11:25:33 pm »
I don't think it's the same at all.  People can play whatever worthless crap class they want and I won't complain or publicly try to get them nerfed.

There are trade-offs to using shittier bows versus stronger bows (you get more speed per shot or w/e).  I get there are trade-offs to using some of the faster/weaker weapons, versus needing to go for the ones that give the most damage.

There's no trade-off to using a butcher's knife, versus an actual non-peasant weapon.  You're just being less useful than you otherwise could have been.
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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2013, 12:11:14 am »
There's no trade-off to using a butcher's knife, versus an actual non-peasant weapon.  You're just being less useful than you otherwise could have been.

- Less useful in Combat

+ More fun trying to kill someone.

+ Bragging rights

I'd say that's a trade-off of some sort.

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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2013, 01:10:16 am »
- Less useful in Combat

+ More fun trying to kill someone.

+ Bragging rights

I'd say that's a trade-off of some sort.

Yes, but it's not a trade-off when it comes to furthering the objective:  Kill the enemy, win the round.  There is no positive side to using a piece of shit weapon that won't even kill a peasant when it comes to the objective of the video game. 
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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2013, 01:19:12 am »
Yes, but it's not a trade-off when it comes to furthering the objective:  Kill the enemy, win the round.  There is no positive side to using a piece of shit weapon that won't even kill a peasant when it comes to the objective of the video game.
I am not saying that it is the most effective thing out there and that they should be feared (They should though).  I am just saying there is nothing wrong with a person using shit gear.  Stop hatin'

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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2013, 01:33:13 am »
I am not saying that it is the most effective thing out there and that they should be feared (They should though).  I am just saying there is nothing wrong with a person using shit gear.  Stop hatin'


There's a decent group of people that use peasant gear on alts and on their main and destroy teams. As I mentioned before, frug is one of the first people that come to mind when it comes to using poor equipment to destroy egos. Definitely more than just him though.
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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2013, 04:44:23 am »

We use cudgels, sickles and peasant gear because we are either:

1) Bored with the game so we look at the other hundreds of underused weapons and armor because we don't want to be longsword spam #420
2) Trying to make massive profit from cheap gear for a gen
3) Having immense fun using such gear
4) Want to destroy the egos of people who think they're tough shit

While it is true that it may be harder on average to maintain a decent score using sickles, daggers or any other 'useless' weapon you still see great men like FrugFrug or JesusChrist top the scoreboards with their dilithium rocks of justice and staves. You must remember that many human societies value and cherish individuality. This can appear in many aspects of such a society, from hipsters to indie games or movies, even some mainstream brands use individuality as the message of their marketing campaign. Anyone can pick up a longsword and start spamming their way to the top, but where is the fun in that? We as a species thrive on challenge. Challenge and curiosity. We do not want to be reduced into crunching numbers for some immortal machine and turned into a hivemind (Although that can be argued with the way our society is progressing.).

Calling out peasants on not using a 'decent' weapon and because of that not contributing to the team is rather dumb. Is there some sort of CRPG e-sports league that emerged while I was on an away mission? What exactly is there to complain about? Your team loses so you don't get an x5 so you don't level as fast. Boohoo. Now, if this was Strategus I would understand since there would be something at stake rather than just your petty ego, K/D ratio or multiplier but if this is the extent of your reasoning then you can kindly get out of my office and back in your comms chair where you are stationed.

tl;dr stop fucking sperging on people's perception of fun in c-rpg

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Re: Torch 2h mode
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2013, 04:04:00 pm »
The only "peasants" running around and actually helping contribute to their team winning are the group of 5-10 guys who run around with bows and spear type weapons in a group.  The spearmen can keep cavalry at bay, while the archers are doing damage to the enemy.  A pitch fork is 10x better than most of the "peasant" 1h weapons.  I'm referring to the people like the tavernkeeper who run around basically naked with a butchers knife, and I've never seen them stab someone, let alone kill someone. 

I'm not sperging on people's perception of fun, you said so yourself that people are bored with the game as a reason to use shit weapons, why not find another game to play if you're that bored?  Or to "make money" for a gen (aka active leeching). 

I'm calling them out because they are being a lot less useful than they otherwise could have been.  It's a team game, with clearly defined objectives.  How is that hard to understand?
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