The avatar is from an amazing game called Grim Fandango, and the character it depicts is a parody of Che Guevara. You total fucking moron.
I'm not even going to get into how fucking disgusting, oppressive, racist and dictatorial pre-communist Cuba was. It was basically a vacation island for american mobsters. Che Guevara was a warrior, as violent and fucked up as any other warrior throughout history. You don't seem to like him much because you're an extremist right wing nutbag. Do you even know who Fulgencio Batista was, what his policies were, what he did? Did you think Cuba was some sort of idellic wonderland of peace and harmony before the communists? Do you know ANYTHING at all about Cuba? I find it particularly ironic, since one of the biggest beefs of your insane rightwing parties in Greece is that your leaders are selling out your nation to foreigners. Gee, I wonder how that lines up with Batista. Fucking idiot. I notice you don't mention who the poor, "innocent" people he ruthlessly executed were. May as well call the result of the Nuremberg "trials" ruthless executions.