Korgoth: If the first thing u saw was me hitting HEXX, then you spawnd late: next time, try asking what happend or not getting involved. Also: When you kicked me, I had already left that dude alone, I have 8 athletics, he was not going to get away with a stack or 2 of bolts and his armour heavier than mine. But since the direction you stopped me going was to THE ENEMY, all you did was start a fight. with me. So next time, dont try to be some internet vigilante: There is a reason vigilantism is not legal IRL: Noobs who havent got all the information tend to just hit out. SO learn from this: 100% of situation are more complicated than you realise. I understand a diet of pies and no vitamin B from having no sunlight have weakened your brain, but Im sure it works well enough for you to actually engage it sometimes.
I didn't start either of these fights, and you can be damn well sure that you are not going to scapegoat me because you felt like being a twat.
Well done, you were a twat, you helped the wrong dude, and got slapped for it. BTW: When you kick a peasant, who has no armor, that takes HP. Dont do it for fun, dont do it for "VIGILANTISM" to make yourself feel good, just dont do it. I hit you back cause I was under 50% hp after that tard beat the shit out of while I stoop there in spawn. Then you kicked me while I was running full speed, that HURTS, I hit you back. You started, I ended, your fault.