You enter slowly the Wizard's lair. You may know that he is away passing some Wizard test to get his licence, but you feel watched. As you walk, you find a gloomy book floating in front of you. The page are white as snow, but when you approach it, some letter start to form :Welcome stranger, welcome in my lair!
For those who never heard about me, you just have to know that I'm the sole survivor of a once mighty clan : the Cochon Clan. To survive in this world, I decided to became a Wizard and to be named Cochon (even if I still use my old char Cochon_Furtif_Isatis to remind me of my origin)
I learned the art of wizardy by watching FROYOYOYOYOYOYOYO plays, but I felt like something was missing in his play, this was not for me. Therefore, I bought my own wand, a mighty Elder Wooden Stick of the finest ebony and I went with another master to learn something different : FrugFrug. Sadly for me, the unbelievable skills of Frug in his play were out of reach for a lonely Cochon like me, but I learned something. I learned enought rock tossing to be able to throw something else...
This something were Smoke Bombs!! (was not good enought for fireballs, but that's ok for me...)
And now I challenge you to a special Wizard challenge :
The Smoke Bombs Killing Challenge!
Everyone must die.
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loginFAQWhat is this challenge??It's a fun challenge where you try to kill the most people with smoke bombs!What can I gain?Euh... nothing for now, but think of the joy of more smoke bombs in battle field!! *might consider prices*Smoke bombs are awesome, but I find them too weak to playSupport my petition and vote for a buff to smoke bombs!! Vote for LOOMED SMOKE BOMBS OMGHow can I participate?Buy some smoke bombs and start throwing them!! Take screenshot when you kill people and post them here!!You walk away from the book and start seeking around for some thing. In a dark place under the bed of the Wizard, you find paper, lot of them. when you look, you see this :Wall of fame!
Almost all of my smoke bombs kills/ teamkill (I'm dangerous hahaha)
Notice how often I'm getting teamkilled... do not be worry fellow friend, some people are just not ready to accept wizard in the society yet, our time will come!You see there is plenty of space for other files. Under the same bed, you found a small box labelled ''Old test files'' you check themThe rest of the papers are just old and strange anatomy papers. You start to be afraid of this place, but you decide to keep seeking. Suddenly, your candle discover a wall, full of nameHeads Count
- MazrimX_n1k
- HoC_Lord_Bernie
- Cikel_Goatpriest_of_Frisia
- Ragnarokrr
- Skooks (x2)
- GeneralMike
- Dungeon_Siege_Master (oups)
- HamHands
- _Sareth_
- Alvin_the_Chipmunk (x2)
- Ghurka
- RoR_ReesesPieces
- Belvita_Ben_Bruce
- Cheeseguy
- YourCookiez_The_Berserk (oups)
- Brunchlady
- Rishu_BRD
- Ironfox_Hates_Caucasians
- Ganner
- Wandering_Sword
- Yaro_new
- Bann
- Micheldewit
- you
You cannot read the last entry, you approach your face and you see the last entry is something strnage, three letter glowing. When you touche them a vision came by your mind and you see who will be the last one on the list...YOUYou scream, trying to get out those images, but they stay. When you rush toward the exit, a smiling man is here, looking at you. It's the Wizard itself!!Will you ever come back??Heads count : 27 Come vote for smoke bombs!!