As kicks weren't already stupid enough...
I agree that the kicks we have now are just retarded. But this nudge thingy could be quite interesting. I just hope it wont turn out to something completely OP: (knockdown + hit +) kick + hit + nudge + kick + hit + nudge + kick + nudge .... etc
You know, to keep your opponent staggered with nudge while your kick is on cooldown

You can already pull out some insane combos with knockdown weapons + kicks

Something like this could be done for 2 hander where the character punches the opponent with his weapons hilt to push the opponent away a bit. For polearms the same effect with "cross checking" like on ice hockey

And shielders ofc can just use their shield to push the opponent away. This way shieldless 1handers could get some unique features, and other melee players could get this useful "tool" for the battlefield.
Is it possible to make the knockdown on a backpedaling attacker only for the swing+nudge? The normal nudge is so good and quick that you'll get that knockdown often.
The knockdown effect could have it's separate range, so that it only knocks down players who are REALLY close and backpedaling. I agree that otherwise the knockdown could happen way too often.