Me and a friend have done some coding.
Well, actually the friend has done most of the work.
But I told him what I want so its okay to thank me for all my efforts to present you a new feature for your beloved crpg.
Inspired by TES V, the player can use something similiar to the Thu'um (Dragon Shouts) in crpg now.
Its a bit different, though.
The player will perform the shouts using his weapon.
For now, the following two 'shouts' are available:
FUS: With bow equipped, press the key that toggles weapons mode (default: x ).
Your bow will shoot an arrow.
If you miss the target, nothing will happen.
If you hit the target, the arrow wont do any damage, but it will cast knock-down on him.
We used the animation from knock-down weapons you already know.
For now, knock-down chance is 100 %.
Maybe we will have to reduce it we will see.
Possible uses:
1. Archer can use it to escape from a superior shielder because the knock-down even works when the arrow hits the shield and would do no damage normally.
2. Archer with a melee weapon and some power strike can kill the enemy while he is trying to get up on his feet again.
Cooldown (= the time you have to wait before you can use the 'shout' again) for now is set to 700 seconds, could be reduced if wanted.
FEIM: With two-hander/ polearm equipped, toggle weapon mode by pressing x (default), and all incoming damage is reduced to 1/4. Could be changed to 1/2. (code was taken from native Single Player)
Duration = time you can couch a lance in native = some seconds, not so sure about numbers, you will find out. Not very long, so choose wisely when you use it.
Unfortunately, doesnt work with a one-handed weapon.
Cooldown 700 seconds.
Possible uses:
1) Reducing incoming arrow damage in the open field
2) Turning into beast/ tank form when outnumbered and no chance to escape.
So far, are there any questions you would like to raise?
Ah, you will figure it all out.
We will present it to you in-game this Monday evening.
I had planned to post this on April the 1st, but I was so busy with other nonsense so I am a little bit late hope you dont mind it.