As a member of the United Kingdom, I am half 'n' half as it were.
I am not the most well informed of people with regards to how leaving, or not, will actually effect the UK.
Remembering from College, the EU was described as a "wonderful idea but poorly implemented due to each nations own wants and desires". It doesn't seem to have the "one for all" vibe that it was sold as and in my politically aware living memory (which is roughly 5 years) the closest thing I have seen for Europe to pull together is the Euro instability garnered partly by the poor regulation of countries being allowed to associated the currency with their economy.
Each country, no matter how hard they try or state otherwise will always think of themselves first, same as each individual will almost always put themselves first. They'll always try and do what is best for their country regardless of what it does to the other ones, if it just happens to help another country then hurray, but if it'll do more harm than good to them, they're going to be against it, and rightfully so!
Anyway, I personally believe the problem to be the fact that the UK told the Euro Zone to bugger off and kept the Pound Sterling, we're invested in the Union and it has an affect on our economy but not to the same extent as each Euro using country has on each other. It also means that our influence decreases significantly compared to others because what we want won't necessarily help the Zone, you all have similar issues and will work together to fix them.
Now, I love the rest of you EU buggers and I personally like the idealistic view that we can all be a part of "Europe" but I also get the idea that we're screwing you over at times because what you want to do would screw us over, which gets us nowhere. The laws and what-not that the Union imposes are terrible in some cases, as Leesin was talking about, I cannot remember the name of the fellow, but he has been sitting in the UK for so long, eating away at our money and he isn't even our problem. It's more or less true, we wouldn't give him a second thought if he disappeared over night, we just want him out so we can spend that money fixing things that the people care about, sure its safer to keep him locked up, but he really shouldn't be costing us money, same goes for any international criminal that people happen to have locked up, but are not allowed to extradite because of the EU.
As for the governing on immigration, the Queens Speech made today says that it will be targeted. "unskilled labour" sectors (Someone give me a better term for that please, it sounds rather derogatory and I don't mean it to be, it's integral to every society) of the job market are of course highly competitive and people can't be expected to pay a high wage if there are plenty of people clamouring for the position, hence the minimum wage, it sets the level for the "standard living" costs for the most part and I personally do not care whether or not immigrants get the job, if they're here legally, can do the job and can do it well then hurray. Why they're doing that and how they're living doesn't concern me, the entitled mentality that some people seem to have that says "I'm British and therefore you should employ me over someone else" is rather backwards however I do feel that cutting peoples wages, who were previously working for a company because they know they can get cheaper labour is morally wrong, but sadly not economically or lawfully but then they expect people to want job security. It's cut-throat really.
It's the people here illegally that annoy me, because they WILL work for lower than minimum wage and they do technically steal legitimate peoples jobs, which is what needs to be targeted in my opinion, but that has nothing to do with the EU regulations so, to sum this segment up, I don't believe the EU laws on that make much of a difference. I've said it before, but I would sooner employ the better person for the job than a Brit. Even being "British" is ambiguous, this day and age it just means that you have a British passport.
I think that if the UK could leave the Union but keep the trade agreements, it'd be best for us but I don't want to leave partly due to it being all I have known.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I shall sum it up quickly;
Tenne's middle class, media indoctrinated views on the EU.- I did an Economics and Business A level, therefore I clearly know what I am talking about, you should listen to me. (I honestly don't know what I am talking about really, but I thought I would put in my personal views)
- "All for one and one for one".
- Euro Zone vs European Union.
- I like the idea of the Union, but I don't believe it works well.
- The Queens Speech, unimportant to 99% of the world population but a thing we do anyway.
- I show that I am class orientated, damn beggars.
- Illegal immigration bad, EU appears to have little effect in my eyes (sheltered Southern attitude)