I never question his capacity to switch his mind, since he could do it 23 times in one day in every minute (get it? or you need me to explain that too)
and if you do not know the difference between a battle and a campaign, I'm afraid your faction is doomed in any future conflict.
When I merc
BlackFistsa:1702s:920k:782 Kapikulua:3040s:2079k:961 22:5
Shu Hana:1836s:488k:1348 The Coalitiona:2069s:1237k:832 26:3
When I command (with others)
Kapikulua:347no survivors Apostatesa:456s:322k:134 2:3
Try to hit me below the belt and you will fail more.
Oh, there is a difference?
Please enlighten us, oh great tactician, and share your splendid wizdom in this field with all of us who doesnt possess your superb knowledge. Pretty please, with sugar on top?
Abay, has been true to his word - thats what counts - and he doesnt live in strat 2 - get over it
Perhaps u will win the war, perhaps not - u had the element of surprise on your side with the
* "independence" guys leaving CFA,
* the stuff we lost to them unexpected
* also you had the knowledge of every detail in CFA and could plan accordingly. Did u?
The element of surprise is gone and also the advantage, u had your window of oppurtunity and failed to do much of it, one could argue that with all this taken together it wouldnt take a Ceasar or a Napoleon to plan a better start of a campaign. One could also argue that with these circumstances you have, instead of succeeding, failed so far in the campaign - if u would have planned it well beforehand, we would have been already swinging the white flag. So, yes u have killed more troops so far, but u should have accomplished way more by now given the circumstances.
Am I wrong oh great and devine Tactician? Please correct me if I am
Sending a virtual cookie to help easy the pain and anger inside you right now, and for the red color in your face try cold water