I don't agree or disagree with the review simply because after playing the first mission I deleted the game and was glad that I pirated it before I wasted my money on it. It just feels like a really, really boring simple turn based strategy with not much going on, it just wasn't that fun for me ( not saying others wont enjoy it, but personally I thought it was complete dogshit ). I don't think the review is correct on some things, doors are easy to see and the animations didn't bother me. If he wants to talk about "looks" then I could agree that the game also looks like shit on max settings for something released in 2013.
So yeah for me, the game has nothing going for it, I wouldn't pay for it before you have tried it because you might regret it. You might not regret it and want to buy it after that, who knows. But Grumbs, IMO if you're just looking for "Turn based strategy" and don't care about the board game roots at all then I would probably say this is one of the most simple and boring turn based strategy I've had the misfortune to play. Again, this is all my own opinion before anyone gets butthurt at me.