
Should there be a stat respec and heirloom repicks?

256 (81.3%)
59 (18.7%)

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Author Topic: Patch Poll  (Read 11855 times)

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #75 on: May 03, 2011, 01:33:34 pm »
I voted yes, I likez free stuffz.
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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #76 on: May 03, 2011, 01:55:54 pm »
I really dont like the fact that you both nerf our exp bonus down to almost nothing and then plan on taking our heirlooms...
I've worked hard (lol, pressed a few buttons, but for a long time though) to get my heirlooms and my former exp bonus, and having to do it all or most of it all over again is just pure shit.

I have nothing against balancing, but your way of balancing is nerfing everything till it matches the worst item in the database, and that policy makes everyone angry as everyone's itms gets nerfed... why not buff the bad stuff instead?

Instead of stealing thew high-gen heirlooms, make it easier for new players to get heirlooms - noone will be angry.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #77 on: May 03, 2011, 03:03:50 pm »
Many people are not reading my post....this is not meant to be a troll topic. Either +1 or -1 and vote. If you want to discuss how much you hate the mod you can go post on the taleworlds boards where no one will read it.
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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #78 on: May 03, 2011, 03:58:28 pm »
Instead of a heirloom respec, what about a generation theft ?

The developpers plan a full reset of all the characters (the big black out: all levels, generations, gold, heirlooms back to 0) when the version 1.00 of c-RPG will be finally released (planned for August 2072) :wink:

I am in love with the new armors, purely awesome! I might never use my heirloomed native armor anymore, it looks so... pre-patch. So, yes, I would really like an heirloom reset and I am ready to pay the cost.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #79 on: May 03, 2011, 05:32:58 pm »
+1 Every hybrid build probably needs a respec, not just players with Sniper Crossbows and Huscarl shields.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #80 on: May 03, 2011, 05:45:40 pm »
Connection anyone?

right, back to not announcing stuff any more
(i really can't stand people talking out of their ass)

Maybe you missed my hint, because I never said that.

To be honest chadz people "talk out their ass" because you give out vague hints and not remotely concise info, which understandably causes people to draw different conclusions (even absurd ones).

I'm not necessarily complaining or justifying herion's whingey posts. I understand you enjoy giving out hints rather than facts, but I'm just pointing out misinterpretation and misinformation are inevitable.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 05:47:13 pm by Banok »

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #81 on: May 03, 2011, 05:52:45 pm »
He cant rly give all the old op hybrid builds a free respec while all the honest people who retired after patch gets buttfucked now can he???

I just retired 2 days ago to try a new build and im all rdy lvl 26 mind you im only Gen 3 why dont u just soak it up like a man and retire too and quit demanding respecs like a spoiled brat??

Wow, what self-righteous crap.  How is it dishonest to play the game, should people who play more never retire because you can only play enough to get to generation 3.  I and many others enjoyed playing the game (still enjoy it) and now you try to say its dishonest because you played less and think it fair that players who played the most should be punished the most (do you come from a socialist country?), while not affecting you in any way.  Its not FAIR to do heirloom limit to the people who are over the limit while you are still under so unaffected, the essence of FAIRNESS is to not single out one group of people as compared to another, which was why the universal 1/3 last time was the closest thing to fair you could find.  Plus you do realize when you hit that limit and you try going any level above 32 with the xp nerf that at that moment you can never modify your character in any way for the better, you've reached the maximum development of your character and the rpg elements disappear from it.  I can only assume you are another one of those people who blame heirlooms for why you lose fights instead of actually getting better at manual blcoking, feinting, chambering (look at the stats, +1 speed, +2 damage is not going to cause a win or loss in a duel). 

Under the new xp system its hard enough to level up, this heirloom trading system idea will be nonexistent with another heirloom theft and with how difficult it is to get new heirlooms.  Why not just keep the heirlooms and then when the trading system is in place you can actually see an active trading community.  With a heirloom theft/respec all you will see is everyone with their exact heirloom they want and no one ever trading them away for fear of never getting them back because its so hard to replace them.  And yes, I had planned on trading away half my heirlooms, with a heirloom theft/respec I most likely will never trade a heirloom.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 06:07:35 pm by Keshian »
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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #82 on: May 03, 2011, 07:06:49 pm »
I don't think many people have even considered the trading system as an option. I know I hadn't. I actually forgot all about it. You're right, If we had the ability to trade, there really would be no reason to reset heirlooms.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #83 on: May 03, 2011, 07:18:04 pm »
Wow, what self-righteous crap.  How is it dishonest to play the game, should people who play more never retire because you can only play enough to get to generation 3.  I and many others enjoyed playing the game (still enjoy it) and now you try to say its dishonest because you played less and think it fair that players who played the most should be punished the most (do you come from a socialist country?), while not affecting you in any way.  Its not FAIR to do heirloom limit to the people who are over the limit while you are still under so unaffected, the essence of FAIRNESS is to not single out one group of people as compared to another, which was why the universal 1/3 last time was the closest thing to fair you could find.  Plus you do realize when you hit that limit and you try going any level above 32 with the xp nerf that at that moment you can never modify your character in any way for the better, you've reached the maximum development of your character and the rpg elements disappear from it.  I can only assume you are another one of those people who blame heirlooms for why you lose fights instead of actually getting better at manual blcoking, feinting, chambering (look at the stats, +1 speed, +2 damage is not going to cause a win or loss in a duel). 

You sometimes make me rage when I fight you, but I'm happy to see that we have the same ideas and opinions :)
I'm only gen 9 with like half my heirlooms sold due to pre-pre-patch when money was hard to get, so now with like 5 heirlooms left I hope I won't lose any. I would not really mind to lose heirlooms if the xp was like pre-patch but the xp nerf was too much. Now I feel like I'm more grinding than pre-patch due to being peasant way longuer before reaching a decent lvl and being able to fight decently.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #84 on: May 03, 2011, 07:20:51 pm »
If heirlooms make such little difference in fights, then 1) why did you get them in the first place, and 2) why do you care if you lose them?
I defended the village and all I got was this stupid title.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #85 on: May 03, 2011, 07:53:03 pm »
People just use the the retire on the website and grind up to lvl 31 like u done a million times before this patch and stop demanding a free ride to lvl 31....

we all know it sucks that your perfected builds along with your sick heirlooms have taken a huge nerf hit but thats still the point of this beta/patch to even out the playing field and balance..

You may be right that i havent played as much as you but neither have the majority of c-RPG players.

Clearly you must have gotten it trough your thick skulls by now that chadz didnt want hes mod to end up the way it did pre-patch.

4 weeks before this patch i had all rdy given up my hybrid because i knew this was comming and so did alot of others i been running around with only 1 main weapon all along.

Btw chadz have u seen my suggestion about the Crossbow? you rly need to make it 2slots before rambo returns and we will have to wait for next patch to fix it.


« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 08:04:37 pm by Tzar »
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #86 on: May 03, 2011, 07:56:42 pm »
If heirlooms make such little difference in fights, then 1) why did you get them in the first place, and 2) why do you care if you lose them?

They add a role-playing element thats been steadily disappearing with each patch and its nice sense of yes I've heirloomed my favorite equipment and its unique to me and my character and therefore different from every other guy using the same exact weapon or the same armor.  My heirloomed body armor is far from the best (mameluke mail) but it allows me have armor geared toward middle-eastern themed character, yet to have closer to the same armor as all the unoriginal black armor/gothic plate and armet users min/maxing.  It didn't give an advantage but put me on closer to even footing with people that are not role-playing with their armor and equipment.  I used the Miadao and Daodao (chinese swords) because they are the closest looking to middle-eastern curved swords among the 2hed swords, I use the khergit/strong bows because they look more middle-eastern then warbow/longbow.  Heirlooming adds just enough to not sacrifice role-playing for functionality.

However, xbows/bows is the one area where heirlooming makes a huge difference, not as OP, but with all the continual nerfs to ranged, to make them viable classes against the increasing assortment of polearm/2hers/1hersshiedlers.

I am  2h/archer right now with no plans to retire and many of my heirlooms I planned on trading away because they don't fit this class or my middle eastern style, but with a heirloom theft I would be only heirlooming a bow and a set of arrows (have to if want viability) and mail gauntlets (go with any armor) and much of the connection with my theme is lost where it doesn't really matter which armor or 2her I use.  Its no longer my unique masterwork miadao with lordly mameluke mail, its just another piece of inferior armor and weapon I can choose to use or I can buy gothic plate with a winged helm and not gimp myself for the sake of role-playing.

Think of it this way, you saw so many people using side sword/military pick/elegant poleaxe/danish greatsword pre-patch, I never heirloomed those things even though they were the current OP theme, rather I heirloomed non-OP weapons that fit my theme so they could stand on closer to even footing with the unbalanced weapons.  And to say just make all weapons balanced is not possible, already people are shifting toward Great Long Axes, Bec de Corbins, and Highland Claymores with the new patch.  Also, one of the reasons I am against a respec too because people who heirloomed based on role playing are not going to change their triple-heirloomed stones, only people who heirloomed FlavorOfTheMonth weapons will switch heirlooms and it will be the new FOTM.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 08:06:03 pm by Keshian »
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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #87 on: May 04, 2011, 12:14:39 am »
My question is though how many hierlooms because  after this most recent patch IO have 5 hierlooms missing.  Was that normal?  were hierlooms supposed to be just gone or down graded?

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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #88 on: May 04, 2011, 12:55:35 am »
They add a role-playing element thats been steadily disappearing with each patch and its nice sense of yes I've heirloomed my favorite equipment and its unique to me and my character and therefore different from every other guy using the same exact weapon or the same armor.  My heirloomed body armor is far from the best (mameluke mail) but it allows me have armor geared toward middle-eastern themed character, yet to have closer to the same armor as all the unoriginal black armor/gothic plate and armet users min/maxing.  It didn't give an advantage but put me on closer to even footing with people that are not role-playing with their armor and equipment.  I used the Miadao and Daodao (chinese swords) because they are the closest looking to middle-eastern curved swords among the 2hed swords, I use the khergit/strong bows because they look more middle-eastern then warbow/longbow.  Heirlooming adds just enough to not sacrifice role-playing for functionality.

However, xbows/bows is the one area where heirlooming makes a huge difference, not as OP, but with all the continual nerfs to ranged, to make them viable classes against the increasing assortment of polearm/2hers/1hersshiedlers.

I am  2h/archer right now with no plans to retire and many of my heirlooms I planned on trading away because they don't fit this class or my middle eastern style, but with a heirloom theft I would be only heirlooming a bow and a set of arrows (have to if want viability) and mail gauntlets (go with any armor) and much of the connection with my theme is lost where it doesn't really matter which armor or 2her I use.  Its no longer my unique masterwork miadao with lordly mameluke mail, its just another piece of inferior armor and weapon I can choose to use or I can buy gothic plate with a winged helm and not gimp myself for the sake of role-playing.

Think of it this way, you saw so many people using side sword/military pick/elegant poleaxe/danish greatsword pre-patch, I never heirloomed those things even though they were the current OP theme, rather I heirloomed non-OP weapons that fit my theme so they could stand on closer to even footing with the unbalanced weapons.  And to say just make all weapons balanced is not possible, already people are shifting toward Great Long Axes, Bec de Corbins, and Highland Claymores with the new patch.  Also, one of the reasons I am against a respec too because people who heirloomed based on role playing are not going to change their triple-heirloomed stones, only people who heirloomed FlavorOfTheMonth weapons will switch heirlooms and it will be the new FOTM.

As someone who only ever heirloomed crappy gear (because I like how it looks) I totally agree with the above. Some of us heirloom crap because we like to use it and don't want to be too far below everyone else. +1
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Re: Patch Poll
« Reply #89 on: May 04, 2011, 01:01:11 am »
right, back to not announcing stuff any more
(i really can't stand people talking out of their ass)

Why do you act this way? Why punish people that have kept your mod alive? I dont understand or agree with your reasoning. I know that I am an NA player and you could prob care less about us... but we do make up a good chunk of the population and was expanding until Strat went down for over 4 months. The point is that if you punish or as you say "balance" all of our hard work... then people will lose interest! I would hope that you would like to hear suggestions from your community without getting upset because not everyone agrees with you.

ps. BTW TSAR you are a brown noser. Nobody like an ass kisser. Good luck with life dude.
mess with the best... die like the rest!