You're too focused on thrusts, jarlek
English Bill
weapon length: 174
weight: 4
difficulty: 17
speed rating: 89
weapon length: 174
thrust damage: 28 pierce
swing damage: 31 pierce
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Can't sheath
31p unloomed on an overhead, polearm animation or not, that 174 length is a lot of reach. The bill has more damage on its overhead than with its thrust(excluding hits with good speed bonuses). Indeed the turn speed was problematic when I was stuck 1v1ing, but only when I tried to start a thrust from too far to the right/left of my opponent and never with an overhead. The last time I played I averaged a 4:1 k:d over the course of four maps with 80+ players in the server. I got valour nearly every single round.
Anyway, it's a minor difference between Teeth's proposed numbers and what I proposed. I don't plan on assuming the weapons are perfect after implementation, if they still need work, then I've nothing against making another tweak thread. Ideally, I'd like to rebalance the bi-directional weapons, or at least some of them. There's room for a much faster bi-directional weapon that allows everyone to utilize the overhead against all opponents and wouldn't require a specific build to do so.