Author Topic: Recently added maps and map rotation in general  (Read 631 times)

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Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:47:47 pm »
Hello. I don't know why but map rotation is not fixed yet. For some reason we still have that map in rotation which is obviously designed for Rageball.

I completely dislike the majority of recently added maps. I can understand that people who made them exclusively for crpg spent some certain amount of time making them, but it's not a reason to add them. Some of them have very bad optimization (i.e. a lot of unnecessary details which is completely unprofessional - you turn around at 360 degrees and there are some parts which make your fps drop to 70). Nothing to say about balance on these maps which is horrible (take bridge maps for example, why do we need so many?).

To cut all the QQ I want to say:
1) Test new maps before you add them into rotation;
2) Use more native maps, as most of them are done well;
3) Don't add all the horrible maps even if they're made for crpg exclusively.
4) Remove bad maps until they get fixed.

Offline Teeth

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Re: Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 05:33:52 pm »
Native maps are pretty bad mostly. They offer a lot of camping potential and some of them are clearly designed for 64 players max. Besides, gravely overplayed and not actually that well made. Port Assault and Nord Town for example, are horrible camp maps. Battle on Ice as well, there is always people hiding in the woods, really bad sloping, all these maps are way too small as well for a 100 players. Bridge maps are not at all unbalanced per definition, actually bridge maps are often very balanced. They usually do not offer very fun gameplay though, that I agree on.

Some of them have very bad optimization (i.e. a lot of unnecessary details which is completely unprofessional - you turn around at 360 degrees and there are some parts which make your fps drop to 70).
Sadly mappers are not professionals. They are people that are willing to spend a lot of time to create maps for free for this community, and I dare say maps are quite important in this game. Creating an optimized map is extremely difficult, as you have no idea how it will run with loads of players on. Especially if you do not have a bad pc yourself it is really hard to estimate how far you can go before people with crud pc's start to suffer. Furthermore I think there is still quite little insight in what actually hampers performance, the do's and don't's for a smooth running map. I can speak out of my own experience that you are basically clueless to when performance gets bad

A big problem is that map updates are far and in between. I for example also released a map, which somehow has a wrong spawnpoint, which I could have sworn I fixed before. The first time I played it, I fixed it for sure now and reuploaded. That was two weeks a go and still the map is fucked in the rotation and quite unbalanced because of it. Same with performance fixes, they just get updated very slowly if at all.

In any case, if you want to make the map rotation better, make maps yourself. Or provide map specific feedback with clear arguments why a map is bad. I would take screenshots because all the map names are fucked up. Saying 'map rotation is bad, make it better' or 'That one city map is shit' does not really help. If you want a mapper to change something, provide him constructive feedback in his thread.

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Re: Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 05:51:16 pm »
Some native maps are pretty bad I agree (nordtown is the one I hated deeply. Oh god why they have to play this map so much?). But the Ruins and Field by the River are so far the best maps I've seen.

I do not like the maps we are playing as well. That's why I started on doing maps myself. A pity my current setup is so fucked up after those patches that I can't really do mapping anymore. I'll try to fix it someday if it won't get fixed by itself with some more patches. Or try doing maps on a different module and uploading here.

And I agree with teeth. This part of the forum is mostly dead. It is hard to expect a good map to come by itself, without any player feedback at all.
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Seems the fascists are gaining ground once again in UKR... right vving politics is SO bad for the general populace but STILL in times of trouble the uneducated turn to them for help, simply because they are so amoral they vvill supply those vvilling to fight vvith vveapons rather than knovvledge.

My UU key is broken incase you can't tell :D

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Re: Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2013, 06:07:11 pm »
Ruins is unbalanced because one team gets a lot more cover than the other, which just gets an open field, while the others have a group of ruins which is campable by ranged. Field by the River has ruins which are closer to one team than the other. Also the map is basically just an open field apart from that. They are not that good, not bad at all, but not extraordinary.

Offline DaveUKR

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Re: Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2013, 06:38:04 pm »
Good example is this map:
(click to show/hide)
too many unnecessary details which lead to enormous lags. I have a good machine (8gb RAM, 4gb radeon 7990) and i believe that the majority of this community (especially the eastern part) has way worse PCs.

Offline Ronin

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Re: Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2013, 07:58:40 pm »
Maybe I'm very used to native maps by playing them a lot. But I still think they have a much better sense of tactics than cRPG maps mostly.
Quote from: BlindGuy
Seems the fascists are gaining ground once again in UKR... right vving politics is SO bad for the general populace but STILL in times of trouble the uneducated turn to them for help, simply because they are so amoral they vvill supply those vvilling to fight vvith vveapons rather than knovvledge.

My UU key is broken incase you can't tell :D

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Re: Recently added maps and map rotation in general
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2013, 08:53:33 pm »
Good example is this map:
(click to show/hide)
too many unnecessary details which lead to enormous lags. I have a good machine (8gb RAM, 4gb radeon 7990) and i believe that the majority of this community (especially the eastern part) has way worse PCs.

Its the wheat field!!!! It was a design flaw on the map I made didn't realize it, even though my pc is crap!