Well my computer set on fire 2-3 days ago and i took everything apart and my motherboard fried the capasatiors blew or what ever their fuck called so
i bought a Amd 8 core Vashira 8gb ram and new mother board took my 5 hours to install 2-3 hours was trying to figure out why the fuck was it starting and no POST menu? So i tried different gcards and none of them work and im like fuck i think i put in my new processor the wrong way and i look down and see a peace of ram isn't pushed down and that fixed it then for about 4-5 mins i just was staring at how fucking stupid i was, but anyways everything is installed and!!!!! EVERYTHING IS SAVED NO RESTOREING YAYAYAYAYYAY!!!!
Note: i was almost about to die when i thought my 650$ gcard was broke