this is true, kicks are so ridiculously easy these days that most people just spam them every cooldown. at least 3/4 of the duels i lose are too kicks, it's dumb.
They should just nerf the kick to be exactly like it was in native; i have no idea why the kick got such a huge buff in crpg it's absolutely fine as it is in native .. :/
I really dont loose much duels to kicks. Thats why im not really bitter about it. My vendetta is that its just sorta annoying when people recklessly nonstop use it in hopes they get lucky. I have no issue when I get my ass kicked by someone who plans them well, even when he fucks up. Kudos to that guy. But you random kickspammers suck, thats just pure abooze. In duel guys who do a failing kick every 3 seconds just sorta annoy me, considering that they can instantly block aswell. And the penalty for me, if these randomers get lucky is usually 50% of my HP gone. Thats quite alot considering the fact they can pull this move off any time they want and without much punishment if they fuck it up....
I dont think you will spot the problem when you play as 2h/polearm. You spot the problem when you play as 1h against people who have longer range weapons. Many of these kickspammers dont go for kicks if they fight people with long weapons. Cause thats way more dangerous if you really do suck at kicking.