Author Topic: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!  (Read 9201 times)

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2013, 02:37:21 pm »
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I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2013, 02:37:51 pm »
Anyone else just love this guy?

He is my new source of entertainment on these forums, everytime i read his posts it brightens my day a little bit and i end up holding my sides in pain because i've laughed so much.

Offline Joker86

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2013, 02:37:56 pm »
Tell us had 68-5 in the duel lets say 70 lets say on average 5 blocks per duel so 5x70=350 .so from that you didnt even miss once.Is it possible?maybe yes maybe not.One question though why you "mirror" following my spam feints after 70 duels?you like blocking like the others right?
i wasnt eager to kill you man i was spam feinting you cause you are a i can  see..why dont you post the whole conversation?
So i ask the community is it possible 350 and dont miss once?just once..
To all of you who have doubts just spam feint will see it...

Who says he didn't miss once? He could have been hit three times every duel, blocked only twice and yet always won? So not 350 of 350, but 140 of 350.

And even if not: there ARE people who can block that well. Especially in cRPG, where the fights are slower.

If you don't believe us, watch some youtube videos. If you want, download them (there are many programs out there for your browser to download youtube videos, btw. a great source to download free music... if the owner has granted you the copyrights, of course  :wink: ), load them in some video editing tool and play them on slow motion. You will see that before each block the camera goes to that direction. Which means he is manually blocking.

Take this video for example. At 2:22 he even puts slow motion in it when he misses a block. And still most of his blocks work well. He is definitely not a cheater. And if someone is good enough to block almost every hit, and then continues to play and exercise, why should someone not be able to block 99% of all hits?

Now take a look at this. Those are the players with highest level in the community. Do you know how incredibly long it takes to get past level 31? And some of them are level 35! We have people here who are generation 20 or the like, and have literally several thousand hours of Warband playtime (according to Steam), which was only or mostly cRPG.

For a beginner those people are from a different world, and I guess before you can catch up to them cRPG will have died and Warband 2 will be an old game.

I know it is tempting to blame the others of cheating, because it is the easiest, the most comfortable solution. But as usual with those solutions, it's the wrong one. There is no cheating in cRPG, at least no noticeable. chadz regularly bans people who use it, and only seldom there are some which are "known" in the community. Due to the shitty forum search which apparently doesn't show all results, I can't find that thread. It was 40 people in the first wave, if I remember correctly. And the devs even know how often the autoblocker has been activated to block.

And as my last point: your knowledge about fighting mechanics seems to be wrong. And this is something which can be proven, as battle mechanics are a fact. And it's a fact that feint spamming is NOT working against experienced opponents. You base your accusation of hacking on the wrong assumption that your feint spam would be unblockable.

Again I would like to ask you how old you are, which country you are from, and perhaps what build do you use. What is your equipment, what are your character stats? I would like to receive an answer on this post, as - in difference to most other in this topic - I am really trying to help you. So would you be so kind?
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2013, 02:45:40 pm »
Been playing for over 2 years now and have never seen a guy with that thing called "autoblock" or something like that.
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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2013, 02:53:11 pm »
i'm trying to get this working in crpg...

I hope you realized this is fake
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2013, 03:15:26 pm »
wow you all actually gave him - rep

i got to + him now!
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2013, 03:44:28 pm »
Who says he didn't miss once? He could have been hit three times every duel, blocked only twice and yet always won? So not 350 of 350, but 140 of 350.

And even if not: there ARE people who can block that well. Especially in cRPG, where the fights are slower.

If you don't believe us, watch some youtube videos. If you want, download them (there are many programs out there for your browser to download youtube videos, btw. a great source to download free music... if the owner has granted you the copyrights, of course  :wink: ), load them in some video editing tool and play them on slow motion. You will see that before each block the camera goes to that direction. Which means he is manually blocking.

Take this video for example. At 2:22 he even puts slow motion in it when he misses a block. And still most of his blocks work well. He is definitely not a cheater. And if someone is good enough to block almost every hit, and then continues to play and exercise, why should someone not be able to block 99% of all hits?

Now take a look at this. Those are the players with highest level in the community. Do you know how incredibly long it takes to get past level 31? And some of them are level 35! We have people here who are generation 20 or the like, and have literally several thousand hours of Warband playtime (according to Steam), which was only or mostly cRPG.

For a beginner those people are from a different world, and I guess before you can catch up to them cRPG will have died and Warband 2 will be an old game.

I know it is tempting to blame the others of cheating, because it is the easiest, the most comfortable solution. But as usual with those solutions, it's the wrong one. There is no cheating in cRPG, at least no noticeable. chadz regularly bans people who use it, and only seldom there are some which are "known" in the community. Due to the shitty forum search which apparently doesn't show all results, I can't find that thread. It was 40 people in the first wave, if I remember correctly. And the devs even know how often the autoblocker has been activated to block.

And as my last point: your knowledge about fighting mechanics seems to be wrong. And this is something which can be proven, as battle mechanics are a fact. And it's a fact that feint spamming is NOT working against experienced opponents. You base your accusation of hacking on the wrong assumption that your feint spam would be unblockable.

Again I would like to ask you how old you are, which country you are from, and perhaps what build do you use. What is your equipment, what are your character stats? I would like to receive an answer on this post, as - in difference to most other in this topic - I am really trying to help you. So would you be so kind?
This is your second post.Why are you getting crazy about this?
I am not even talking about how feint spam can confuse  someone and miss a block.
HE told me that he didn't miss.thats why i ask him to post the whole conversation.
His Duels may last up to 3 min!350 successful blocks maybe a small number!He never got hit because he missed a block.
I am talking about mirror blocking..not even feinting to hit.just spam feint for the show..
Why are you posting a video that has nothing to do with the specific incident.What kind of parodia is this?What is goin on here?Who are you?
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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2013, 03:50:40 pm »
i'm trying to get this working in crpg...

That hurts. Unfitting music, such a waste, you can hear the background music playing at the same time as well.

Not sure if head-desk or facepalm. ><
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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2013, 03:53:12 pm »
This is your second post.Why are you getting crazy about this?
I am not even talking about how feint spam can confuse  someone and miss a block.
HE told me that he didn't miss.thats why i ask him to post the whole conversation.
His Duels may last up to 3 min!350 successful blocks maybe a small number!He never got hit because he missed a block.
I am talking about mirror blocking..not even feinting to hit.just spam feint for the show..
Why are you posting a video that has nothing to do with the specific incident.What kind of parodia is this?What is goin on here?Who are you?

Im a shit autoblocker manual is too mainstream so i chamber block, i can't wait for you to explain that one, the look on your face will be priceless,

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2013, 03:54:39 pm »
its not like there isnt an autochamberblock available...

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2013, 03:56:59 pm »
Stop trying to talk yourself out of this guys, he fucking caught us.

I admit I use this hAx here ingame:
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Offline Joker86

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2013, 04:01:58 pm »
This is your second post.Why are you getting crazy about this?
I am not even talking about how feint spam can confuse  someone and miss a block.
HE told me that he didn't miss.thats why i ask him to post the whole conversation.
His Duels may last up to 3 min!350 successful blocks maybe a small number!He never got hit because he missed a block.
I am talking about mirror blocking..not even feinting to hit.just spam feint for the show..
Why are you posting a video that has nothing to do with the specific incident.What kind of parodia is this?What is goin on here?Who are you?

you are quite unfriendly to the only person who tries to be kind to you. Have you ever had the idea I could have misunderstood something?

I thought
Tiberius i will continue to spam feint you to get frustrated and then i will chamber you in battle  just to see you rage quit..

Spam feint him will see it
meant that he will be frustrated of being hit by the use of feint spam. What else should he get frustrated of? Having blocked without need?

But anyway, let me tell you that even if you spam feints, some people would be able to block all of them. The game is slow enough, and you can never swing faster than the other person being able to block in the right direktion. So if you hammer left and right mouse button, they will hammer only the right mouse button and just follow your swing directions. It's only a matter of reflexes and muscle memory, that's all.

And yes, this is my second post where I am asking you to answer my question, and I am not getting crazy about it. I am just used to the fact that you only need to ask ONCE to get an aswer. So if your standard is to answer only after the fifth question, I apologize for being so unpatient after having asked only twice. I did not know.

And btw.: my forum rank here is marshal, I guess I am pretty known here. Yes, you are working on your reputation as well, and I am confident you will catch up to me soon in those matters, but asking who I am in your current position is kind of... ironic.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2013, 04:10:43 pm »
Oh just take a look at this(very awesome btw) video:
There is a lot of blocking there and this video is 3(!) years old. I think players have improved their blocking skills since beta test :wink:

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #58 on: March 24, 2013, 04:12:27 pm »
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I swear to God, that shit just made me laugh myself off my chair. But with all do seriusness, did I not say dont even try. :D Your long and toughtful posts are wasted on this guy Joker. The only way to have a thoughtful communication with this guy is by fartnoises.

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Re: To All the big Clans.The hacking needs to stop!!!!!
« Reply #59 on: March 24, 2013, 04:12:49 pm »
Raz you have to just practice instead of whining in forums and accusing everyone else being a cheater/hacker. You have made an ass of yourself with these accusations. You will have hard time to learn anything if you always plame others of your shortcomings.
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