I get this error whenever I try to update now.
"No Mirrors Left, Do you want to try updating again?"
And here is the log:
... [20:06:20] Downloading custom banners
[20:06:20] Downloading Textures/std_banners_custom_a.dds
[20:06:21] Checksum mismatch (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e vs. )
[20:06:21] Mirror autobanner.c-rpg.net: 1 tries left
[20:06:21] Downloading Textures/std_banners_custom_a.dds
[20:06:21] Checksum mismatch (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e vs. )
[20:06:21] Removing mirror autobanner.c-rpg.net
[20:06:21] No mirrors left
[20:06:21] Update failed
Can someone help me with solving this issue please?
Thanks in advance.