When you’re in a position of authority and one of those you’re stewarding expresses a concern, you have two options.
A) discuss and possibly even address their concerns.
B) tell them to fuck off.
Option B is clearly quicker, easier and more universally applicable. And perhaps his choosing option B is just one example of CMP’s terrific efficiency at work. But in this case, I think it speaks toward the very way the rule he was discussing will be implemented. If he had said “don’t worry, simple stuff like what you’ve been doing will get whitelisted,” that would be that. But he didn’t, did he?
If I make a toy, I’m not going to wait around for weeks to see if they decide to let me have it. Especially when the already-stated position is “fuck you and your toys”. I’ll just go to another mod where I can have my cake and eat it too (like, I don't know, singleplayer.). And that’s fine, guys.