
Should the maul change be reversed?

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Author Topic: The maul change is retarded  (Read 6323 times)

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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2013, 04:19:26 am »
Slowing mauls down seems to make sense, but according to my own casual observations, this seems like a little much. Used to be intimidated by them, and rightfully so - they could crush through - but now even I go running right at them with little reservation. Yes, they still kill me often, but in the same way that everyone else does - nothing different about the Maul, as before.

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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2013, 05:33:13 am »
duel with mauls
I wouldn't call it a duel but okay...
It does seem like it would help lower the amount mallet campers though.
Yes, been posted before. Rather than practicing swinging a weapon, it would be better to go 1 hander and learn a martial art that specializes in takedowns, because that's all that really matters in that sport.

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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2013, 02:05:48 pm »
Siege last night was at least a quarter maul/mallet users, and they were all at the top of the scoreboard. I'm sure it's balanced on battle, but the siege server dies when too many people start mauling. I've made mauler STF characters, and it's the only class that can reliably top scoreboard on siege doing only 1 thing; overheads. No need to sideswing or even block.

I hate that once you are crushed through once, you might as well go get a sandwich, because there is nothing you can do to avoid the subsequent crushthroughs. With the change on the test servers, you at least have to put a little thought into your strategy; you can still hold sideswings to force a block stun, then overhead. You can't just mindlessly spam overheads, which was the best strategy previously.

Long maul is a different beast altogether, because its side swings are so slow that almost anyone can 'spam' them. They get one chance to land an overhead, and if they fail, they are probably screwed. But the 2h mauls can maintain the attack/block paradigm just like any 2h sword.

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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2013, 04:15:01 pm »
Long maul is a different beast altogether, because its side swings are so slow that almost anyone can 'spam' them. They get one chance to land an overhead, and if they fail, they are probably screwed. But the 2h mauls can maintain the attack/block paradigm just like any 2h sword.
People should go out and try to swing a weapon like the great maul several times. A trained man can swing it a few times perhaps, if he is holding it correctly, but he will be out of breath soon. It's not a freaking battle weapon, you can still kill someone with it but it will be very hard if he's prepared for your attack.
Now in medieval times they used all kind of shit to defend their castle. They threw down rocks and hot oil to prevent the attackers from climbing up ladders and breaching the gates, so I'm pretty sure if they had some sort of sledgehammer they would have used it to crush the poor guys head who just reached the top of the ladder.

Now this will get me some down-votes, but I will make this suggestion here anyway:
Remove block from the great maul entirely and make it a top-of-the-ladder-head-crush-siege-only-weapon. It's a retarded fantasy weapon and because we will never get a stamina system for cRPG it's the only way to somewhat balance it.
And before you start: I know it's not OP and no, a mauler didn't kill me a few moments ago on EU2.
Like I said, in it's current state it's a retarded fantasy weapon which has basically no right to exist in this game.
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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2013, 05:06:01 pm »
That sounds realistic, but not balanced.
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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2013, 06:54:59 pm »
People should go out and try to swing a weapon like the great maul several times. A trained man can swing it a few times perhaps, if he is holding it correctly, but he will be out of breath soon. It's not a freaking battle weapon, you can still kill someone with it but it will be very hard if he's prepared for your attack.
Now in medieval times they used all kind of shit to defend their castle. They threw down rocks and hot oil to prevent the attackers from climbing up ladders and breaching the gates, so I'm pretty sure if they had some sort of sledgehammer they would have used it to crush the poor guys head who just reached the top of the ladder.

Now this will get me some down-votes, but I will make this suggestion here anyway:
Remove block from the great maul entirely and make it a top-of-the-ladder-head-crush-siege-only-weapon. It's a retarded fantasy weapon and because we will never get a stamina system for cRPG it's the only way to somewhat balance it.
And before you start: I know it's not OP and no, a mauler didn't kill me a few moments ago on EU2.
Like I said, in it's current state it's a retarded fantasy weapon which has basically no right to exist in this game.

sounds pretty balanced to me. mauls remove opponents ability to block, so have it remove the maul users ability to block too. it shouldn't be a 1v1 hero weapon, it should be a support weapon and honestly i dont think it would hurt the maulers in strat fights that much, it just means that if someone can get close to em they can spam em to death if no one else saves the mauler. that sounds pretty good to me since the maulers job is to just blindside people who are busy fighting someone else anyways.

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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2013, 07:04:17 pm »

sounds pretty balanced to me. mauls remove opponents ability to block, so have it remove the maul users ability to block too. it shouldn't be a 1v1 hero weapon, it should be a support weapon and honestly i dont think it would hurt the maulers in strat fights that much, it just means that if someone can get close to em they can spam em to death if no one else saves the mauler. that sounds pretty good to me since the maulers job is to just blindside people who are busy fighting someone else anyways.

And buff long maul, its a total POS.

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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2013, 07:19:09 pm »
And buff long maul, its a total POS.

Long maul users know they have to land the first hit, or they will lose the fight. When I face one, the strategy 1. hope that I can dodge the overhead opener 2. then mash left mouse key until they die. Someone with a 2h sword doesn't even have to do Step 1, they skip right to Step 2.

Mallet/Great Maul are a different story. They can regain initiative at any point during the fight.


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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2013, 10:55:41 pm »
I was watching Rohypnol with a maul, and he was having major problems.

Oh wait, no he wasn't. He was crushing people with it.  :lol:

Yeah man you are right. You saw me do it so it is clearly OP right? Lol this community... *nods*
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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2013, 05:50:14 am »
Yeah man you are right. You saw me do it so it is clearly OP right? Lol this community... *nods*

you are hardly the first person to dominate with a maul. Palatro was doing it long before you and i cried just as hard then and for the same reasons. A maul in the hands of a player skilled enough to know how to use it is OP. anyone who has been playing strat battles where lots of mauls are can attest to it. maulers just wade into the melee and pancake people through their upblocks. Yes ranged weapons can do this too, but shields can block ranged weapons and if a maul hits you with one overhead then unless someone saves your ass, the second overhead will hit you too. Anyways! Take your filthy mauls out of my melee mod and let me get back to pew pewing with the crossbow i am using this gen!


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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2013, 06:34:59 am »
you are hardly the first person to dominate with a maul. Palatro was doing it long before you and i cried just as hard then and for the same reasons. A maul in the hands of a player skilled enough to know how to use it is OP. anyone who has been playing strat battles where lots of mauls are can attest to it. maulers just wade into the melee and pancake people through their upblocks. Yes ranged weapons can do this too, but shields can block ranged weapons and if a maul hits you with one overhead then unless someone saves your ass, the second overhead will hit you too. Anyways! Take your filthy mauls out of my melee mod and let me get back to pew pewing with the crossbow i am using this gen!

That right there is the reason you make "zero" sense. Anyone with any weapon is claimed to be "OP" if they are a good player. Weren't you a shielder for a while that had like 10 shield skill or something close to it? If so, now I get why this makes sense. Try balancing the game off an average player, not off the top players.

Yes, you do also see in strat battles where people use mauls, but do you really see anyone dominate with them? If you say yes, show me a few strat maps where they actually did well with mauls. Does not matter anyway, the better players always find a way to continually dominate the game, while the not so good will continually complain until the devs get tired of all the crying, and just keep nerfing everything, then you have no game to play.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 06:38:40 am by ROHYPNOL »
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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2013, 07:44:33 am »
I don't see how the highlighted part invalidates anything. simply put, a great maul is OP in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. Any weapon is dangerous in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, but if it becomes OP then you have a problem. The reason the Maul is OP is because it negates your opponents skill once you learn to use it effectively. It is the same argument that is used when bitching about cav and ranged really, except there are ways to deal with ranged and cav; mauls are also best for catching people unaware but if someone sees a cav coming at the last second they can block or swing or try to dodge. if you see a ranged you can try to dodge or if you have a shield then block. if you see the mauler at the last second you can get turned into paste and that is about it. anyways defend mauling all you like but you know damn well that it is trollish.


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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2013, 05:23:08 pm »
I was simply highlighting that because the only other person you said was "OP" with it, other than myself was Palatro  , name someone that is not a very good player, yet can top score because he/she has a maul, then I think you have a  justifiable argument. Here is what you are saying, is that you could do very well with them on a normal basis, which I doubt... and you are basically saying there is no counter to mauls, which I think is very funny. Mauls are very easy to beat, they are a support weapon, much like pikers but with way less bugs. For shielders to complain about getting smashed by mauls seems pretty ironic. Mauls are very easy to beat. They make the game dynamic, people that want to just keep nerfing everything into the ground because they cannot do it themselves only to see the game continually suck.
Quote from: Jeade
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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2013, 06:04:31 pm »
It's a bad argument because you shouldn't be balancing the game around masterwork items (unrelated here) or on the top tier players.  Archers shouldn't get nerfed because of 3 or 4 stand out archers compared to the average.  And maulers shouldn't get nerfed because a few people are very good with them.  Roh's good as a 2h with most weapons, good with cavalry lance and xbow (and probably other melee classes), that doesn't mean the game should be balanced around him as the variable...
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Re: The maul change is retarded
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2013, 07:26:01 pm »
remember when the barmace had crushthrough? Linden and Wallace, both good players were getting ridiculous scores all the time; they took crushthrough off the barmace and they have never topped the charts the way they used to despite still being good players. you say the great maul is easy to counter and that i only bitch because im a shielder, but how often do you overhead through a 2h or polearm upblock? last siege defence i did in strat i could see you running around crushing through blocks. spamming a great maul user really doesn't work if they know how to block; but it sounds like they sorted them out on NA1 now, it would be interesting to see those changes brought to NA3 and see if mauls are still retarded in strat fights or not. you claim mauls are only support weapons but i would rather fight a piker 1v1 than a mauler any day. pikes are scary support weapons but pretty damn mediocre for 1v1 situations; mauls are good for both.