I have no gang. Everybody here has a mind of their own. If they -1d you, they also werent amused.
And stop with the "you are raging, this is a game" speech. It is especially ironic that its you thats writing this. I think you should remember this lot more than me.
I dont rage in duel, I didnt write or complain about anything when you won. I have no problem with loosing in duel. I only rage in battle(and even than only my neibhours know about it
). Dont think yourself that special. I loose alot, im an awful player. I dont rage cause you beat me, I rage cause you are a moron and you spam chats and forums with your fail trolling. And mybe you havent done it in a while now, I havent been around much these weeks, but before you did and im not the only one saying this.
Its also funny that you try to act like you are the cool guy here by using words like "you are on rage son" and "underaged".
So you came back to attack me at my post ?
Pathetic man.
But its my fault i apologize man for making you feel this way..
What is done is done..You should be able to move on now..Continue with your life and never look back..look at it like i was mentally challenging you.Like it was a test of your mental health.(you failed the test but now atleast you know what to do from now on)
Everyone is special man..you are special