Some really good posts in this thread about friendship, diplomacy and why people fight for who they fight for. I'll shamelessly use this to give my opinion of the current state of affairs as well.
Remnants have had (initially) a good run in this Strat. From basically nothing we managed to
rob and steal diplomatize our way to holding something that can be loosely described as the Iron Curtain of NA - a territory spanning through most of the Strat map in a vertical axis. This proved a great setup for trade and we grew to a point where we were noticed, maybe even feared, by our veteran Strat neigbors. I really have to thank A.dolf Saucetler for whipping us undisciplined, sperging and mostly Strat clueless puuties into shape with an iron fist to make this happen.
Alas, the new found glory found a quick end when we were in over our heads, feeling the threat of our mighty VE neighbors looming over us and lashing out at Hosps in a forced relocation attempt AKA "Fuck it, let's charge!". Without our loyal and disciplined HG allies (and friends!), we would have fared even worse. At this point chapter 1 of the Remnants of Strat saga ended, most of us lost interest and stopped participating in internet swords-recruit and horses-trade. It was fun while it lasted though, and who's to say this will stay the only chapter in our book?
What's there to do now (besides slowly rebuild)? Right, enjoying the battles the warring factions so graciously provide. While the Remnants do not have any active alliances or stakes in the war, this begs the question who to sign up and root for. So far people have seen me sign for both opposing sides of the conflict. For people that care to know, here's why:
- Still have a grudge against VE for threatening to/kicking our arse so I'm currently not signing for them.
- On the other hand, I have always been friendly towards the FCC, liked their players and their style - so whenever I can I'll sign for them. Would not mind being on their side entirely when a new Strat comes around.
- But then there are my French friends of Occitan, who have been some of the straightest players in Strat, never getting bogged down with BS diplomacy and true to their word. I respect that and gladly root for them.
- Hospitallers on the other hand used to be a bit of a sore spot for me. This may date back to their diplomacy when I was in another clan and (as has been said in this thread) I've seen an improvement here already - but I am still a little iffy on signing for them.
- All the other up and coming Strat clans out there like Semenstorm and the Frisian Freedom I sign gladly up for, depending on who they go against.
All in all, no ill will on my part. I try to balance my signups a bit, but as I said, sometimes I am torn between the warring factions. Either way, thanks for the entertaining round of Strat - even without major participation of my clan at the moment. Keep those battles coming!
I say: Justice!