This is actually not true. It might take a huscarl or equivalent shield and the right angle, but it can most certainly be done.
Well, with round shields partially yes, but not with the others.
Honetly though, with the amount of ranged and hoplites currently, you do seem to be downplaying the worth of shields and the ability to make full use of your weapon while using a shield.
A shield is very valuable when passively defending against ranged or pushing on walls from a ladder, I am not questioning that. But honestly, I think we give them too much credit in group fights and other situations in which you need both defense and offense rather than just defense. Superior mobility, damage, range and survivability seem just as good. Some players might be more effective as a shielder or as a 2h/pole in the very same situation due to playstyle differences.
Also, why do weapons have to have integer values for base damage? Would remove some redundancy to allow float values for damage.
Because Taleworlds "float" (which are actually fixed point decimals afaik) shenanigans.