Author Topic: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL  (Read 6065 times)

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #75 on: March 07, 2013, 02:34:12 pm »
so many things i want to say ...

1) Attacking smaller factions no big deal. FCC claiming first you wouldn't intervene in wars inbetween smaller factions and stay out of those, but then doing it anyway, is understandable in retrospect on loosing a friendly faction towards you and gaining a faction(LL) in that area which may not be that friendly towards FCC. So in a strategic term fully agree on that move, in the way you claimed to do things not that coherent, therfor a "-" on propaganda.

2) Giving information on deals in between factions, even if you are not part anymore of those, is not seen lightly and i will remember that for future interactions Tanken. Nevertheless you did tell some truth, that LL managed to do this on his own. F.E. a vassal of CFA managed to buy 2k fully equipped troops in NA with cRPG gold and they were also very ressourceful before that on the map, a faction of 5-6 dudes pulling of major attacks with stuff they scraped together all over of calradia. I like to think of LL also as a very ressourcefull and also reliable trader. As is FCC.

3) M&B ladder mechanics are fucked up, the ladders which touch ground but intersect in the air, thereby holding up each other are debatable, but i am not the judge for that.

...Also, LL, Hospitallers, Occitan... aren't you all just the same clan since strat 2?
that stuff again, isn't that like asking, aren't FCC, Cavaliers, TKoV,NH all the same clan? at least 3 of those had been allied since strat 2.0 and next round if NH doesn't make a huge turn around ...

saying we are "attacking" them makes it sound like we went out of our way to declare war on them and are currently sending armies at them. Last I checked, LL was trying to finish off a clan that was already in bad shape from their last war and we - due to various reasons - decided to help that small clan against the hordes of troops being sent against it. I don't know if we have any plans to launch any offensives against LL or not, but I think it is a pretty big stretch to say we are attacking a little guy here.
You defenitly didn't went out of your way, but i would formulate it differently.
You have strategic interests that you see through to be secured. Any clan you help there, is for that reason first and overall. Nothing about oh we are the good samaritas, get of this attitude and i can take things serious you say otherwise just same bs propaganda drums we have to endure for a long time now.

Well it seems odd that we have been doing a lot of trading ourselves and had more members than LL for a period of time but the gear they have would overly bankrupt us 10 fold. I think FCC has a good reason for attacking.
As Kesh said, if a faction is overly inactive like only 1/4 doing something, then surly there is not much you can invest with. From what i know of LL, yes they are small but they have like at least 70% active guys doing stuff. And this claim of 12 million gold makes me giggle, if we would have been the source of that dude i would have steamrolled a lot in EU ^^, Wolves only without any other faction of CFA is doing NA trade as far i am aware of and we do trade with any NA faction who is willing to and those may not like that but i don't quite give a crap aslong i make a profit of those parties ;) may it be chaos, FCC, LL, Hosp or whoever is there at a time we are with goods to swap or in other words if you get more goods to a place we agree on you will do more trade then others you wouldn't want us to do trade with.
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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #76 on: March 07, 2013, 03:02:42 pm »
Stop being nerds about ladders tia.

Every single large battle in the open field, at least in NA for the past few months, has seen them used in that way regardless if it was FCC, TKoV, Occitan, Hero Party, Hosipi, etc. It's a dumb complaint made by babies. Each battle that I have been a part of for the last couple months has had at least one active admin in it, who shockingly enough, say when there are skyladders regardless of his or her side.

Do the ladders in M&B work like real ladders? No.

Does much of this game work like things in real life? No.

Is the Strategus Community awful? Yes.

Is the Strategus Community filled with babies and spergs who will find any excuse to latch on to if they lose? Yes.

There is your common sense post of the day.
Quote from: chadz
No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #77 on: March 07, 2013, 03:24:26 pm »
Lol is this seriously even debatable? I mean do you have to have a brain to understand all this shit would in reality fall right on the ground? no matter how you call it, it may not be a sky ladder in a sense to be built on another ladder, it may be a sky ladder that makes an impossible high ground against the law of physics, and obviously the archers are even misusing it to their own advantage, sometimes people make me sick with their twisted ideas of how to go against the law and call it a different name, and I thought we were pathetic by laying the ladders around the flags against the cav since there is no other equipment for such purpose, now I see people can go even further than that and exploit the bugged physics, yay, congratulations, you may not have breached the law but you have certainly became the new assholes of the strategus!

It doesn't really matter what is defined my physics, more important is what is aloud in the game. So while these ladders wouldn't work in real life, they work in the game, and are ok by the rules in place. It may be dumb, but I don't think mid battle discussions of whether the ladder agrees with the current rules of physics is a good idea either. Specifically ladders that are borderline as to whether they would work or not.

Stop being nerds about ladders tia.

Every single large battle in the open field, at least in NA for the past few months, has seen them used in that way regardless if it was FCC, TKoV, Occitan, Hero Party, Hosipi, etc. It's a dumb complaint made by babies. Each battle that I have been a part of for the last couple months has had at least one active admin in it, who shockingly enough, say when there are skyladders regardless of his or her side.

I agree, although I don't think anyone has taken it as far as FCC has here. Of course the fact that they have more archers has a lot to do with it, as opposed to other clans that are mostly doing it to protect their shit from horses. Besides it looks cool, like a nest.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #78 on: March 07, 2013, 04:08:00 pm »
After 5 pages I feel 1 very important fact is missing.LL members are united and motivated by 1 hate and that is Teutonics. When the mighty KUTT empire was being attacked at the begining of this strat Teutonics where our ally's who Tanken had given army's to.Instead of helping us with the army's gifted to them they turned them on us while we where on the brink of extinsion.Backstabbed us just like kicking a man while he is on the ground.A dog act in any language.LL members are what remains of the once mighty KUTT(apart from KUTT that reformed) and our hate for Teutonics will never die.

Let us never forget and always bring it up. To have a grudge for that long is pathetic. Me and Tanken worked it out after. Obvs you are still/ always mad. A 3 month plan ending in 5 days! Our empire will remain!
Dashing through the steppe, on a hundreds horse sleigh, o'er fields we go, laughing all the way. HOHOHO! It's Calamariclause and it's Christmas in April for the Squids.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #79 on: March 07, 2013, 04:26:28 pm »
Let us never forget and always bring it up. To have a grudge for that long is pathetic. Me and Tanken worked it out after. Obvs you are still/ always mad. A 3 month plan ending in 5 days! Our empire will remain!

Meh, a lot of clans hold grudges over different iterations of strategus. To hold one within one version of strat isn't very uncommon.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #80 on: March 07, 2013, 04:44:51 pm »
I think people tend to hold grudges when they have suffered a grievance and the other side shows no remorse.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #81 on: March 07, 2013, 05:01:58 pm »
It doesn't really matter what is defined my physics, more important is what is aloud in the game. So while these ladders wouldn't work in real life, they work in the game, and are ok by the rules in place. It may be dumb, but I don't think mid battle discussions of whether the ladder agrees with the current rules of physics is a good idea either. Specifically ladders that are borderline as to whether they would work or not.

Sigh, why would you even respond to the comment if you did not understand it in the first place? You basically said exactly what my comment was pointed against... Let me rephrase it: Justifying the abuse of unrealistic game mechanics by saying it is not against the rules and/or interpreting the rules in your own way (oh well the ladder may be built in a totally fucked up way but hey, it has one end on the ground - not to mention this rule is in itself arbitrary) may satisfy the ears of admins who dont give a shit anyway, but you will remain a complete asshole in the eyes of the rest of the playing community.

And for those trolls who have to call everyone a dick for trying to make this game any better just to show off how cool they are, remember it is us, the players who make this game, and it is up to us which way will we choose, for me the way I play mirrors the person I am, I like to play it the hard way to earn the credit, if I feel something (like slashing through door) is really stupid and I dont want the others to do it, I dont do it myself, I have encoutered several people rather opening the door and risk getting the attackers in than exploiting the bug to cut smbdy through the door, so yes, it actually does work.

I know there will always be people who will keep on trying to abuse the game mechanics to their very best and I will keep fighting them till they are gone or change their mind. This is the reason I was fighting Greys all since the very beginning I have joined this game and saw them joining on the opposite side in strategus battles just to teamhit all their teammates and practically win the battle through this filthy way. I will fight dishonesty, exploiting and cheating because I believe this (strat & crpg) world still got a chance.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #82 on: March 07, 2013, 07:04:00 pm »
Making fortresses out of ladders is absolutely retarded. But it's allowed, and it's allowed because it works within the unrealistic, retard-fest that is M&B.

The defending side in any battle will, of course, want to have the chance to improvise fortifications. I think that it's only natural, and it's something that the defenders should be able to do. This must be understood in light of the flag-cap mechanic, whereby, in open-field battles the defenders must protect a really long line of flags from the enemy. It's not wise to just sit on them, so you need to fortify some distance ahead of them. However, the fortification will necessarily have to be bigger than if it were actually on the flags, because the bad guys can just walk around it. So, you need to make it even fucking bigger.

Right now, though, defender's options are rather limited. Siege shields work, but are limited in number and cannot deny the enemy access to a particular area--not like a few ladders can.

You can throw down c-sites, I think, and that big pile of wood can block shit. But, again, it doesn't take up much of an area and it's easy to kill.

Siege towers just go straight up, and the enemy can just go around to your flags.

Ladders are, god dammit, the best defensive tool in the defender's arsenal for some ungodly reason. Perhaps its because they're the closest thing that we have to Lego blocks. You can build in whatever direction, including vertically, with ladders. They're cheap, too, and they work. Don't fucking complain if something so helpful for a team's victory, which is legal, is thoroughly used by a faction in strategus. It's a competitive environment with lots of nerds who care a lot about winning. I think that a field battle is fun it's a straight up battle--no ladders or fortifications, but sometimes that's fun too. chadz plz fix.
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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #83 on: March 07, 2013, 07:08:34 pm »
And for those trolls who have to call everyone a dick for trying to make this game any better just to show off how cool they are, remember it is us, the players who make this game, and it is up to us which way will we choose, for me the way I play mirrors the person I am, I like to play it the hard way to earn the credit, if I feel something (like slashing through door) is really stupid and I dont want the others to do it, I dont do it myself, I have encoutered several people rather opening the door and risk getting the attackers in than exploiting the bug to cut smbdy through the door, so yes, it actually does work.

Funnily enough those same trolls play the very same game you do, so their opinion of game mechanics weighs just as much as your e-honor filled one. I actually didn't call anyone a dick, I called them babies and spergs. You fall in the sperg category with your post, the more you know. Also, that wasn't a troll post. tia.
Quote from: chadz
No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #84 on: March 07, 2013, 07:13:38 pm »
I personally want a strat fight to be played like a hockey game....  Just couse your on defense doesn't mean you have to sit on your flags. It's an even fight with the same flag problem on both sides.

So why does defense never just push and make use of forward spawns like attackers do? You can trap them on their flags just as easy.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #85 on: March 07, 2013, 07:24:13 pm »
I personally want a strat fight to be played like a hockey game....  Just couse your on defense doesn't mean you have to sit on your flags. It's an even fight with the same flag problem on both sides.

So why does defense never just push and make use of forward spawns like attackers do? You can trap them on their flags just as easy.

Because the attackers are under no obligation to attack. Attackers are due to the clock.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #86 on: March 07, 2013, 07:51:17 pm »

So why does defense never just push and make use of forward spawns like attackers do?
You can trap them on their flags just as easy.
timer & distance & respawn times

If time runs out attackers loose, so defenders try to prolong the fight as long as possible ... playing defense
If one side goes over the point where they are half the way to the enemy, they loose momentum and gear can be more easily picked up from the other team. The attackers as they are under pressure because of the timer use therefor the forward spawn to decrease distance and can be more compactly grouping up. The only real counter pushes you will see are mostly to get rid of those forward spawns.
Also when a defender has the same gear level, stays closer to his spawn he gets full troop strength constantly, only coordinated pushes of the attacker can get then an even k:d ratio. If the attacker fails that way, you will see them spawning and pushing slower and slower and close to the end an experienced defense commander will do pushes till they reach attackers flags and maybe even take them down as the attacker then can't compensate for the bad respawn times of his mercs.
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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #87 on: March 07, 2013, 07:59:10 pm »
Regardless of Hosp support, real or imagined, FCC is still going against a much smaller faction.

And you know what? We're going to fuck LL. Then we're going to blow a hot, steamy load of victory all over their faces, tear-streaked from madness and sorrow and rectal bleeding.

And hey, at least we're friends with Teutonic, which is a goodish reason to go to war. Though maybe sneakily giving them gear, troops, and money might've been a better idea. Alas, the time for smart decisions is in the past, and the time of glorious war is upon us!

Thanks for the honesty.

As  far as that open field battle God.  I don't give two shits if they were sky laddering or not(it didn't look like they were doing anything that I haven't see before in field battles with ladders)  We were not able to put ladders down for a good amount of the fight due to the item number being too high, cavalry ran on us hard because of it.  Melee being engaged 100% of the time in a constant NA_1 brawl allowing archers to shoot the shit out of us.  Well played, like your whole team was spamming at the end, GG
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 08:15:00 pm by The_Slim »

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #88 on: March 07, 2013, 09:51:31 pm »
I personally want a strat fight to be played like a hockey game....  Just couse your on defense doesn't mean you have to sit on your flags. It's an even fight with the same flag problem on both sides.

So why does defense never just push and make use of forward spawns like attackers do? You can trap them on their flags just as easy.

Unlike hockey, there's no potential reward for aggressive defence.

It would prolly be better if the maps weren't random, but designed so there were some defensive strongpoints in the middle of the field or at least a bit off the flags, givings both sides map spots to contest for potential advantage.

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Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« Reply #89 on: March 08, 2013, 01:18:57 am »
The thing that I was trying to say was that you don't HAVE to stay at flags. By the hockey metaphor I ment that you are just as able to take their flags as they are to take yours, if your willing to play the risk of going all out offence, even though it will fuck you over sometimes.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.