Ok, time to lie again.
#1 Not happy with benkei's 2 weeks, I was in Germany for free for 4 weeks with people from all around the world.
#2 I have deleted/given away over 15 loompoints worth of loomed items without expecting anything in return.
#3 My room is large, with a huge gaming area and a separate section with my bed and a library.
#1 is almost true, as an exchange program some time ago, with people from Egypt, Ireland, Romania, Namibia and others. However, it was for 3 weeks, not 4.
#2 It is true. I have given away 4 MW items lately, and I deleted a main that had 9-10 looms (cant remember exactly) on him back when I took a 3-4 months break of cRPG over a year ago.
#3 is true. My gaming area is simply a desktop with a gaming computer on top, and the separate section contains the bed and 3 out of 4 walls covered in shelves, which makes it into my library. I spend almost more time reading than gaming.
So, points:
isatis (sorry to disappoint you)-1