This thread is inspired by a conversation a had with Jackie just moments ago.
Basically i was bitching how everybody is in either Mercs, Byz or Deserters and the fact that they are over recruiting is not good imo.
Lets get one thing straight, i got nothing against those 3 clans, i mean one was started by the legend himself Gnjus, other by my ex clanmate and friend Idzo and Byz back in the day when they were Shoggies were my fav clan ever and still remain to this day and oldmy old friends from that time i have massive respect for . So no butthurt there, id be honored to wear either of those 3 banners.
So why was i bitching? Because the playerbase decreased, we used to have way more diversity then we have now and stacking is not the way to go by any means. EU 1 just dies when strat battles are on and thats what pains me the most, it looks like the strat will be the end of this mod..
The Russian/Polish mega clans have the man power (or should i say the key power) and numbers ar strength. devs did try to eliminate numbers as a big factor but still the biggest faction/coallition will win. fact. hence the "over recruiting" of the 3 clans i mentioned above. i kinda understand that but..
Strat ways a genius idea and was made to keep this mod alive and every start is filled with drama and so much grief its really not even funny anymore.
The devs sure put allot of work and time into it. What did they and all of us get out of it? ABUSE! Every strat is filled with abuse, istead of finding bugs and reportig them people make their life goal to find a glitch, a bug anything that they can abuse and shit on the rest of us. i find that sort of behaviour insulting to say the least.
Diplomacy section is a sad statement of what human brain is capable of.
So thank you all for royall fucking up what was supposed to be a lifeline of this mod, instead its become a shitpool of grief and abuse and no wonder allot of the older players wont even touch the mod with a ten foot stick anymore.
Mind you this is my view, ive never poked my nose into diplomacy stuff, never licked devs/admins buttholes and am not "in the know" of this mod so id like to hear people that are more informed/smart/wise than myself to shed some light, or is my view completely distorted?