Seriously, It is the only high tier polearm that escaped a nerf. They nerfed The LHSM, the Great Long Axe, but not the bec? Half the tin can whores using polearm were using a Bec prepatch and now theres even more reason to use it with the polearm nerfs of the latest patch.
The bec is superior to my GLA in every way except for shield breaking and 3 length. Because of the damage nerf to my GLA, i can't one shot anyone anymore, but people with a bec can still stun kill me in two quick ass swings, It has a stab that deals serious damage, and it glances less and gets caught in shit far less than my axe does.
Its like all the popular polearm weapons prepatch got NERFED while the bec was oddly left out...
I don't know what to do about this, but the recent nerfs to all the other polearms have made the bec the weapon to whore, and it gets lame dying to stunlock bec whores.