Okay, I'm an asshole and haven't read any of the topic (only 3 pages, so lazy) other than the first post, so pardon if any of this has been mentioned. I'm just going to type them out as I notice things.
I like the clear visual representation of the weather at a glance. It's functional and it looks gorgeous.
I'm not sure about splitting the one and two handed weapon categories into blunt, slash, and pierce. It makes sense, but you might want to easily compare different weapons that do different kinds of damage. (Besides, there's supposed to be filters for those on the store page)
Instead of age you should have generation. People never really use the age for anything anyways, it's just for flavor. Age could be represented in brackets as it usually is.
The broken icon should probably be changed to just an inner glow (kinda what it is right now, just without the spider cracks). In fact, different equipment could have different colors. Broken could be red, black (nothing) could be normal, masterwork could be purple, and everything in between ranges from orange to blue.
I'm not sure if the dashboard needs the item shop though. You could probably remove the whole shop section and just have the shop buttons be somewhere else and leave the whole right portion to the backpack. Then you could fit even more inventory on that page.
Oh, in addition to a "repair" button there could be a "repair all" button that repairs everything in your inventory.
I do think adding color to the page (for instance, the blue "battle skills" and the purple "attributes" and such) is a good idea... simply because color is nice
It would be extremely nice if you could mark certain things to be auto repaired, so if you don't want to you don't have to feed your horses when they get shot in the face too much =p
EDIT: You're missing the "save default loadout" button.
EDIT2: I just saw the post showing the "aged" weapons. I think I'd prefer them to look shiny and new, mainly because they are supposed to look like they do -more- damage than their ordinary counterparts, and thus they should be shiny rather than looking like they've been sitting in a damp shack somewhere. Granted, that's what might happen since the weapons are passed down by generations... so they -should- get worse over time... but CRPG doesn't follow the rules that way =p