Author Topic: STB v2.0.8  (Read 32159 times)

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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #165 on: September 25, 2013, 12:08:05 am »
Want to help our brainstorming phase ?  :wink:

We would like some "fresh" ideas on a problem that happens in every games about MMO and territories and war :

The alliances

Diplomacy should be only fueled by every players personal motives and actions, so we, as game developers, should not intervene or influence them.
Still. Let's be real. Strategus players knows what I'm going to say here:

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Having a natural diplomatic world is the utopy.
Here are examples of features we feel will encourage players to grow some balls and attack this weak neighbour that sent you a friendly private message last week (aka encouraging violence) :

* stealing gold, pillaging fiefs, capturing ressources should be way faster than collecting tax, building fiefs and producing ressources; and also way easier (for the smart ones)
* a soft cap on the number of armies you can control depending on the number of fiefs you have built or captured: the more territories you control, the least military power you possess (proportionally to the territory you have to cover)
* reduced % of your base income the bigger your territory is (corruption, administrative inefficiency): the more territories you control, the least gold/food you get for them
* big producing fiefs will be the easiest to besiege and capture/pillage/raze, while the easiest to defend (military ones) and protect will produce near nothing
* anonymous attacks on heroes/armies/fiefs will be possible under some strategical/tactical parameters, like the time of the attack (day/night), the speed of the battle (size and luck based) and the possible use of other players as mercenaries with a different banner (welcome paranoia and pre-emptive strike)
* very important fiefs/provinces/regions will have to be controlled to have related bonus; but those will be very few even on a large scale (sorry bro, there can be only one sheriff in this town)
* no "I am your ally" or rigid diplomatic gameplay options where you're restricted in your actions, everyone is free to uphold their words or not and do as they will (I really trust greed and hate to take over from here  :P)
* our map will be so big, you will probably not bother allying this douchebag 200km away
* a "out of the cRPG universe" playerbase (hopefully) that will not carry over grudges to my game like we do between each strat round   :mrgreen:

* what do you think we could add to this list ? tell us !
(general ideas, not too detailed, since our game isnt polished enough to give values or anything; if you need more guidance, think like you're talking about Strategus  :wink:)

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« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 12:49:35 am by Butan »


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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #166 on: September 25, 2013, 10:05:32 am »

* anonymous attacks on heroes/armies/fiefs will be possible under some strategical/tactical parameters, like the time of the attack (day/night), the speed of the battle (size and luck based) and the possible use of other players as mercenaries with a different banner (welcome paranoia and pre-emptive strike)

I like this alot, and miss these features in strat

To be able to fuck somebody up a bit unnoticed before a major attack is interesting and adds to the tactival and strategical options. The "mass a large army and send it to the enemy" option is a bit boring. Smaller units operating behind enemy lines, fucking up villages, trade, or crops or whatever is fun. Guerilla tactic style :)

This is not on topic perhaps, but anyway some suggestions (dont know if u have talked about some of them already):

* Small cav armies for fast operations - vulnerable to slower balanced army setups
* Hidden units (agents, spies)
* Tactical positions on the map - bridges, mountain passes, rivers - where different army types has bonuses
* Ability to hide certain armies in forests
* Ability to setup ambushes

Basically, if you are smart and strategic you should be able to fuck somebody up, even if they have more resources and bigger armies.


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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #167 on: September 25, 2013, 11:49:49 am »
If you want to snatch some good ideas take a look at these two browser games (both from same dev) that are very similar to what you're trying to achieve: (newer, alpha) (older)
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 11:53:29 am by Vibe »

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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #168 on: September 25, 2013, 02:27:06 pm »
Thanks Vibe, I appreciate it. I already investigated some cool ones by the advice of friends (Wesnoth, Khan Wars, Panzer General, etc...) and it helped me a little. Especially UI-wise.

* Small cav armies for fast operations - vulnerable to slower balanced army setups
* Hidden units (agents, spies)
* Tactical positions on the map - bridges, mountain passes, rivers - where different army types has bonuses
* Ability to hide certain armies in forests
* Ability to setup ambushes

Green is planned exactly like you said it : seting up ambushes will be closely linked to the "tactical positions" on the map, and the size of your army will influence at which distance you are spotted; and we will definitely have a speed system which can be sped up by horses (we will have cavalrymen (light/normal/heavy) that will be naturally mounted, thus fast, AND draft horses that will be used to transport troops and stuff (if in enough quantity, the army will be at horse's speed) and draft horses will be capturable in battle and very important for everyone  :wink:).
More details:
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On the ability to hide certain armies in forests, atm I think more like Strategus system: the moment you're in a forest you are invisible to those not inside (except if you're just one hex in). What do you think we could do to add more complexity to that ?

Hidden units (agents spies) isnt planned, because we think it will be completely covered by the fact that each "dots" will be able to field between 1 and 10 000 men, and that you will be able to completely control which kind of soldiers are the 1 to 10 000 men. If you want to spy, you will have to allocate your army support limit (think Rome 2 total war) to that by creating an army of a very small size that will be very hard to spot on the map but that will have an equal power of observation than any army size (1 man can see as well as 10 000 individually, but its easier to spot 10 000 marching men than only 1).
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Lots of good stuff S-Key  :P I will develop on your post!
Diplomacy is very much Work In Progress so dont think I'm completely closed about this.

As for discouraging huge alliances... Hmmm. The only ways to penalize it i can think of would depend on allies formally registering as alllies..

Problem is, even if you use a diplomatic limit system (like in Europa Universalis 4, the "diplomatic relationship" hard cap); it only works between the players and AI players. Humans will always circumvent this (and they should!) by signing out-of-the-game deals, and its completely encouraged by the game.

You know, when Chy and I made the "diplomatic" filter for Strat, and people started talking to me about that, it was very interesting. They had to UNILATERALLY decide who is an ally, who is friendly, neutral, hostile or enemy. They cant know FOR SURE if its the reality, its just their point of view based on their own perception of the world. BECAUSE there is no alliance magic button, noone trust anyone fully and I think it encourages war more than anything.

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Actually, thanks to GRANDMOM, Thomek and Tristan I found 3 new ideas on encouraging war :

* Guerilla/ambush/raiding kind of attack, where a small army can at least slow down/weaken a bigger army without too much losses (should have a bigger chance be an anonymous attack)
* Controlling provinces/regions capitals (a big city kind of fief) automatically taxes & reduce income in EVERY FIEFS of the province/region area that isnt your own, so that players "under the rule" of a provincial/regional liege will automatically be kind of vassalized-humiliated (they often go hand in hand) and will seek to raze the capital or capture it for themselves (or just be cute little pets)
* Moving armies on ANY FIEF's zone of influence (other players territories, even allies, even your own fiefs!) will desolate the area proportionally to the number of soldiers moving in and reduce income (forced scavenging, stealing peasants, disrupting the trade) so that military access is a privilege that you grant to only the best of friends and only if really necessary, and just moving around you will create enemies for life

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« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 02:54:04 pm by Butan »


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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #169 on: September 25, 2013, 10:25:35 pm »
"On the ability to hide certain armies in forests, atm I think more like Strategus system: the moment you're in a forest you are invisible to those not inside (except if you're just one hex in). What do you think we could do to add more complexity to that ?"

Imagine an army of 10000 troops moving - it would take wagons of supplies, civilians (blacksmiths, workers, whores), siege equipment, tents and shit - an army this size would be heard, seen and noticed a long way of. To try and hide such an army in a forest would be damn near impossible.

The imagine 800 lighty armed troops, with little equipment, no horses, no wagons and bringing just what they need. So, some troop types should be able to hide better - 800 lighty armed archers for instance

This brings me to the ambush

The first army moving through a mountain pass or near a forest or similar
Second army has set up on the mountain sides or in the forest
Second would surprise attack, make damage due to ambushbonus and then have the ability to withdraw before army number one would even be able to react
Nighttime bonus on attack?

This brings me to scouts as parts of "hidden" units

Army number one, the commander knows there is enemies about and that he  is moving in terrain that he might get ambushed in again, he can send scouts to "hoover" around his army (or choose what direction they scout?)while he moves forward and expand his field of view. Or he could send scouts into the forest in advance or up the mountain side to check for enemy troops. Better scouts could have better LOS perhaps and using scouts could perhaps slow the army down so there is a backside to it.

Army number two also has the ability to send scouts and if possible take out some of the enemy scouts and make his LOS smaller.

Now imagine u being army number ones commander, you just got ambushed during the night and  now suddenly your scouts are disapearing, what do u do? Your LOS is weakened, you know someone is out there that prob sees you but u dont see many are they? Should I retreat? Should I take the risk of charging on? Should I set camp and await an incoming attack? Perhaps you chose to retreat, and then the 800 men army with scouts just made the 10 k army retreat.....

Thats one example, could do alot more but u get the picture - knowing what the enemy does is the key here - the one with the best intel can fool the shorts of the other one

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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #170 on: September 26, 2013, 03:59:00 pm »
a 10 000 men army completely surrounded by trees should be as hidden as 1 man also completely surrounded by trees.
Since one hex can have between 1 and 10 000 man, how to define your "detection" value if they both occupy one hex ?
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Nighttime bonus on attack is a no-brainer, we will def add this in one way or another. This combined with different "stance" of attack settings (evasive, agressive, etc), would give a cool array of gameplay options.

Scouts will be there, and will create situations like you said.
You will have a fixed army support limit (lets say in this example 2 armies max), you will be able to blend-in or detach armies to manage your support limit.
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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #171 on: September 27, 2013, 09:51:20 am »
Ok, features like that is what I miss in most games, often its like a shitload of options when you do the techtree or the resource gathering, but when it comes to the strategy of the battles and manouvers for an army in the field its like - "all go straight forward in a bunch and attack the enemy"

Add diversity in armysetups that really make a difference, high risk tactics with little chance of success and so on. Looking back into history its full of competent commanders able to turn a "no chance" situation into a win because of good planning and resourcefulness. Terrain, choosing trooptypes thats right for a certain purpose, know what the enemy is going to do and make it work in your favour and so on. Laying traps, ambushes, do the unexpected, attacking supplylines instead of the unbeatable army that it supplies, scouting, basically anything that gives the commander as many options as possible in a given situation - so nothing is certain.

Looking atthe stratmap right now as an example - coalition is in defence, surrounded more or less, with few options. Greys marching onwards to grind them down. Smaller units of coalition men could disturb supply lines for the greys ( if there were any) burn crops (russian tactics), slow the greys down with constant harrassing during nighttime with lighter trooptypes, even perhaps send incognito troops behind the enemylines to the homeland of the greys to make em have to change focus a bit. Using bad terrain where larger armies (like the 10k army) wouldnt/couldnt move to get access to places where these actions could be done, and then dissapear back into thewilderness again.

Also, another nice feature would concern communications. Smartphones werent abundant in medieval times. What if a system of delaying orders could be implemented, if your character is the leader of a faction, and he is far from the front, a rider or messanger would need time to bring forward any change in orders. Dont know how to do this and even if it would work but it could add another dimension to the game. Keeping characters close to action, also a possibility for enemies to intercept messages? Example in strat - I set my army to move from Dhirim to Yalen, the message gets intercepted and the enemy suddenly sees my planned route with a pale color on the map. I wouldnt know that they knew, and perhaps I could change the path later Without them picking up on it. Adds to the "nothing is certain in war" adapt or be annihilated  8-)

If you get more ideas out of my nonsense that could be implemented into your game, well thats nice if not I will survive :)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 12:08:07 pm by GRANDMOM »
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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #172 on: September 27, 2013, 01:54:12 pm »
Also, another nice feature would concern communications. Smartphones werent abundant in medieval times.

You read my mind. An omniscient player has its perks but if we can find an enjoyable way to add an order system which would be limited by time and distance, we will do this.
Since the player, the hero, will lead only one party, the other armies, when they are not linked to your army and out of view, shouldnt be able to receive orders instantaneously. Nor fiefs if you're not at home :wink:

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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #173 on: September 27, 2013, 02:11:05 pm »
PigeonMessenger much better than MSN Messenger!!!
speed <185 kmprh
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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #174 on: September 27, 2013, 02:35:56 pm »
PigeonMessenger much better than MSN Messenger!!!
speed <185 kmprh

And pigeons for messages between players too ?  :P  Everything is open


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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #175 on: September 27, 2013, 06:28:33 pm »

And pigeons for messages between players too ?  :P  Everything is open

I will take em out of the sky the kalaschnikov-way :twisted:
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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #176 on: September 27, 2013, 07:40:05 pm »
I will take em out of the sky the kalaschnikov-way :twisted:

Not sure if kalaschnikov is already planned.
Anyway, you could try to throw some stones :)
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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #177 on: September 27, 2013, 07:45:16 pm »

And pigeons for messages between players too ?  :P  Everything is open

Pigeons OP !!

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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #178 on: September 28, 2013, 11:34:48 pm »
To give you some examples on what kind of map design and user interface we plan on having.

* For the zoomed out scale and user interface (menu and how units appears):

(click to show/hide)

* For the terrain variations and simplicity (how to make a visually attractive hex based map):

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* What we dream off, but with hexes:

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We know from experience that a game almost solely based on a map needs to be enjoyable for the eye. It is as important as the gameplay mechanics.

To guarantee that we will have :

- detailed but simple tiles
- multiple models for each tile type
- folded paper overlay
- integrated to the background user interface
- roleplay accessories background (candles, compass, a weapon's edge/hilt, meter/centimeter map scale, a special cursor, etc...)

- ideas?

Think, a general before the battle, above a war map, in his tent surrounded by his personal advisors, thinking about what to do.

Except that the war map will depict the whole known world.
STB - Bundle
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Re: STB v2.0.8 + Strategus-like browsergame discussion (page 10 onward)
« Reply #179 on: September 29, 2013, 02:13:19 am »

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grey woods,  mod is deаd
people are like potatoes, they come in different shapes and sizes and they all are beautifull
masturbating while looking in a mirror isnt wrong unless its the rear view mirror and you are driving a school buss.

it doesnt matter if you are happiest person or an unfortunate weeper, a powerfull beast or a terrifying creature. we are all equal, in the eyes of the reaper.