Official Kremsadmin proposal for new clan rules:
1- Let them (you know who i'm talking about) cry, don't post in their threads, don't minus or plus them and most importantly, dont waste your time. They won't listen anyway.
2- Stick to the rules ingame.
3- Report even the tiniest violation of rules if one of the serious folks commits them. If the person is a cool guy, ignore it.
4- face the serious cunts with seriousness, the funny my old friends with funnyness.
5- Provoke Blackbow and Pepe as often as you can, but stick to the rules. If they start raging, report them.
6- never start raging yourself. If you get banned more than usual, you get kicked off the clan.
7- be friendly to new players. Show them how to hug and use voicecommands.
Counter Bannerstack Agreement "CBA" : if you get balanced to a winning bannerstack team, get your peasant gear and play casual. If you're in the losing random team, get your full gear and do your best.
Trolls before Prolls.