The argument in that thread is that I'm careless, but I think that lately I've been being more careful than ever. I'm also getting more kills than ever. The problem is that everyone who gets upset is fixating on one particular instance where I mess up a maneuver. For every time I mess up a maneuver, I pull it off like three or four other times. No one ever brings that up because who really cares if I do something right. It's just all this negativity.
I'm not going to apologize every time I TK someone and I'm certainly not going to respond with hugs if people start demanding one or report me. I've seen people "take back" their apologizes after someone reports them anyhow and I'm convinced that's why some people bother to begin with. They don't like being reported and neither do I.
The fact is that I feel a little bad whenever I TK someone, but I try to get over it. It's why I'll mess up a bunch right after TKing someone because I'm preoccupied with messing that up for about 30 seconds. It's distracting and bad for my score. I wish you'd stop getting killed by me already.
Every time I play, I try to win. I don't go off and build weird things or force duels or whatever. Even when I'm outnumbered and ranged, I've always fought until I ran out bolts or things to throw and then I'd go scavenge whatever weapon I can wield to go make my last stand. I'm not the best player, but I am consistent.