This is sometimes just way too common. I've had situations where my midas recipe got sent back to base when it was halfway to me because our mid decided his magic wand recipe was more important 
Yeah and the only real way to end it is to just let the retard get his item so you get your own faster that way as well. Selfish bastards.
I had a peruvian Ursa that went with a duo lane when they said at picking "me&him bot, premade"
Ursa goes full retard and starts flaming them while I'm solo support offlane, and to fix the problem the 3 of us had to buy TP-s and adjust to this retard. We won that game but that peruvian guy with his open microphone, listening to shitty music and you hear the game, every time his hero says something open mic pops up. Dear.. god. Had peruvians like this in 2 games, in a row.
I want to nuke peru