It's funny what an easy time I'm having now in unranked, since when I left unranked to play ranked almost exclusively, I've improved significantly via ranked while my unranked MMR stayed at what I left it at. So there's a pretty noticable skill difference (probably around 600 MMR difference between my ranked and unranked rating).
Anyway, as opposed to the usual dota rant post, this is a rant at how horrible my enemies were: - here I went Invoker mid, mind you I am pretty average at Invoker, needless to say the Pudge picker had a bad time, while their two carries (Juggernaut and PA) both went for Battlefury, which made the game extremely easy for us - yolo Void mid vs enemy Tinker, he was horrible so I could farm pretty easily, got fast PTs and MoM, went to enemy safe lane to destroy PA and SK, did so while our Earthshaker says "Void why don't you gank top??????" - yeah not like I just killed their main carry, it's not my problem their dual melee safelane was suffering vs solo offlane Invoker. Anyway decided to be a friendly guy and killed offlane Invoker 3 times, right after the third kill he instantly abandonded the game - game 3, mind you I was safelane
support for our Huskar, enemy had a greedy as fuck lineup (in addition to PA building Battlefury (again) and Weaver going midas), anyway saved money for brown boots + blink, got a couple of big 3man+ ults off because enemy stood together like a pack of autistic children on a trip, decided "fuck supporting" and went damage build, destroyed them and just rushed ancient down the mid.
I don't know what it is with all these PAs with Battlefuries in my unranked games. Probably RTZ.