Well done, how is it up there?
I literally can't win any fucking ranked matches, they are unwinnable, so I just start going down in MMR without an actual chance.
fuck you valve.
I definitely see more experienced people that know what they're doing, but what's funny is, in turn I feel like I see way more egoism, arrogance and anger and subsequently, intentional feeders, arguing and other stupid shit that comes with it. You know, people that didn't get what they want (mid, offlane) that proceed to feed entire game.
Yesterday we had a cliffjungling furion that kept teleporting to their fountain to snipe their courier. I think overall he killed their courier 5 times. Once we did roshan he even denied our aegis. He wasn't bad so to say, he was just fucking around doing stupid shit not really contributing... well sure I guess this is his idea of fun but don't do it in ranked :/
In the end it's not that different really.