Anyone that relies on pure carbon dating for history is a fucking idiot. A good history record is one that is taken from mutliple (even if conflicting) sources.
I'm against carbon dating for anything beyond written records. Why? It uses the following assumption that can NEVER be proven: The way things are now, is the way things were then. We, under no circumstances can prove that without two more other records.
Mathmatically, carbon dating is accurate, but this math is based on an assumption that we should very, very carefully use. While it's been proven for all things presently(within 2000-6000 years ago) we have no way to really verify beyond that. Sure we can use Ice records and other things, but therein, we are still using the same assumption.
1 trillions years ago process = today's process.
Keep an open mind about carbon dating, and in general, age dating. Trust, but verify.
BTW, didn't read topic and felt like saying that.