I have a question about all new items and old ones. My question is, why everything looks so low quality? Recently I've seen that new helmet Pot with faceplate was added, and it is just terrible. What bothers me, is the neck area, which looks just horrible. If you use your attack animation in certain ways, the neck area will look like out of it's place completely.
This problem is not only with this helmet, but with a lot of other helmets. Why those who create these helmets cannot make neck area look great just like Kettle hat with aventail? The neck area with this helmet looks great, it's sits nice on the shoulders, have no animation bugs, why there isnt more helmets with this kind of neck armor, that sits smoothly on your shoulders, and looks like a real part of the shoulder armor?
Also, wouldn't it be better to actualy fix and make look good all older armor, instead of adding new low quality armor? Heraldic mail realy needs to look like mail, not like a sweather.