I thought kicking is horribly underpowered now.
It is totally different kind of kicking and you know it...
In normal duel with 2 guys using multi-directional weapons you were kicking while enemy was attacking.
With a longspear you make enemy hold his block and you kick right before you attack him with LS so removal of block doesn't change anything because you didn't have to block even before the removal.
You know it but present information so it looks like kicking is still good. Manipulator...
Same with all the 2h weapons that 2h got buffed 2h got buffed...
Correction - 2h axes and 2h fast weapons got buffed but German and Danish got nerfed. Ofc you may say that they got +1 cut and +1 stab but what is the difference between 41 and 42 cut or 28 and 29 stab... There is bigger difference between 93 and 91 speed.
Imho axes are too fast and hit too hard. It is extremely easy to get accidental hit on the enemy and simply kill him.
Longsword is fast enough so no need to have HBS and longsword hits like a truck (40cut). Not to mention that with rotation speed adjustment you can spin with superfast longsword's stab like a helicopter. Totally not needed buff to Longsword and HBS. Increasing the variety among 2h weapons by making the unused ones OP isn't the best idea imho.
I have been using stats of +3 items because these ones are the stats that the items are (or should be) balanced for. For example heavy lance's stats were balanced for 26 pierce (not 23 lol).
Sorry for derailing post.
EDIT: Also it seems that some people have trouble with downblocking...