So I was playing on battle for the first time in a while just playing normally when one round I get intentionally TKed at spawn by "archerbud" who claims I TKed him intentionally the round before (I am pretty sure I didn't even TK anyone the round before and he got me confused with someone else but anyway) so Shik banned him for 3days since he has a history of intentional TKs.
After this his friends (Negga, Pup, kampi) started calling Shik various things for banning him, so as a joke I said "Negga should be banned for having a racist name".
Well these guys kinda don't understand when people are being sarcastic since they are probably 12 years old or something and over the course of a few maps such gems as these were said in reply to me saying stuff like "don't make me hack you guys for this..." and ect, obvious jokes if you will.
Normally I wouldn't care about insults and stuff in game, people get mad over skill based games like this and sometimes tell the person who killed them to "fuck off nerd" ect, but this is just unfunny awful comments over maps that in my opinion deserves a ban.