3 is already not allowed afaik, will look it up later, but the big "multiaccountbanwave" was for a big part account sharing. In my opinion managing multiple accounts by yourself is multiaccounting, and thats what accountsharing is (you don't only use your own, but also your friends accounts). I will however check with chadz first if he has time for it, if he says no on this i will not make a topic on it. If he says thats arguable, then a topic will be made.
4.... Is completely different by each tool. One tool (eyecandy) has been added to strat itself, others like the sorted inventory script is being used a lot without any objection, and stratviewer as example is a highly protested and in a completely different category. It might be possible to make a list of things you are allowed to do with a tool, and things you are not, ill check into that later since it will be a bigger task to sort out.
5 guidelines could be made here, but best to be solved by game-mechanics. You can't make a rule like "dont attack at 3AM, cause what is 3am for one guy is 11 pm for the other. This is the case on both NA and EU sides. Also, changing night time when you see an attack incoming is indeed a dickmove, but is best solved by game mechanics (make it take 24h before the changed night time goes into effect)
Sounds reasonable?