Here is an idea for this thing: An option for adding highlights/notes/whatever on the map, for either your allies or members or whoever, so, for example, you can put notes on fiefs, marking them as fiefs open for trade, or such things.
the instruction/mesaging system in the end is supposed to have similar options.
Atm you can send to anyone with a lower rank an instructions
Recieved is the message then on the strategus website, which he needs confirm and read and afterwards do the stuff, which was posted.
What i still would like to have is a different tab within strategus, which allows higher ranking guys, like 9&10, to give out general messages, which also maybe pretty static. Click on "instructions tab", see f.e.
1. set troop cap to 250
2. allied factions, enemy factions
3. Trade Routs for Wolves_XY buy in , sell at repeat with XZ to YZ, repeat from start
4. all please set your nighttime to ....
so general information for the own factions, like a small FAQ, so people don't always need to ask me the same stuff over and over again and again and again and again and again, but i would point my lads to the instructions tab ...
The idear for pointers, which would be shared, has also been thought of, but i don't quite like the idear to flood the map with too much information, on the other hand you could create a different layer and en/disable it with another checkbox.