Guys I present you S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Online!
It's being made by the community and is free to play.
The game is currently in russian but there's a "beta version" in english which translates most needed information.
It's open pvp apart of some safe zones near towns or camps and when killed there a chance to drop some stuff from your inventory, not equipped stuff. (There's a skill you can upgrade in luck which lessens drops by 30% on loot and 60% on weapons in inventory)
You can make clans unlike dayz and join parties, there are quests that help you gain money (You will need loads of it) which helps you buy weapons, ammo, medkits, armour and bags. Items have durability even bags and once 0% they can't be repaired anymore and have to be discarded so don't forget to repair!
There's anomalies like in the single player game and these are the main source of income and later in the game there are some npcs that let you trade some items and anomalies for awesome weapons/armour. You can spot anomalies by press Q which throws a rock on the ground. Some anomalies 1-2 hit you while others deal damage the longer you remain in the anomaly so be careful.
Hitting enemies in the face deals most damage even on monsters.
Just like the single player you have 3 slots for weapons, 1 grenades, another for pistol and the other for shotgun/machine gun/rifle/heavy weapons.
It's hard solo but rewarding. (If you see a bear and you're still new run away, far away he's a beast)
Anyway that's it maybe you guys will like it and try it out.
Register here: My character ingame name is noxserpens but there is no friend list so you either pm me or we need to be close/in the same clan to talk.