Nice! A re-upping of this was long overdue. I'll try and remember to get some screens when I log on today, look out for champion courser pics with faceplate coming soon. Though I don't use the heraldic heavy lance since it doesn't fit character and seems more appropriate left to the great lance. Heraldic chargers look insane btw, if anyone hasn't seen those pics will blow you away. Well all of these are pretty damn sweet.
Also, I'm not sure if this is included in the download here or not (dl-ing now to check but going real slow), but "dark textures for heirloom models" is a very nice alternative if you find the colors too garish. It's the same models and looks and all, just a bit toned down on the colors, including the low loom levels that look really yellowish now don't.
My only problem has been the lack of longsword scabbard fancification, it still uses the default one even with Final_Boss' pack. Is there anyone with the skills to update it to match the rest mayhaps?