What made me personally quit eu1 were the shitty maps and unbalanced classes. I remember the glory days when teams would form shieldwalls and camp barns, cav would have epic battles on the flanks that in many cases decided which side was going to win, occasional player would step up and give tactical orders, thats what got me into crpg, during those days/weeks I barely ever looked at eu2. Now, all my fav maps are gone, everyone is either an op 2h hero or an op archer/xbower/thrower and the only valid tactic is 'follow the merc/byz/whatever blob'. I used to have a cav alt that I used quite often, but once again shitty maps and unbalanced classes ruined that too. So it appears that with every patch more and more emphasis is put on improving the game for the bitter vets and their clans and fixing the inevitable fuck-ups associated with these changes.